NHL Shot Chart
  • J.J. Moser Snap Shot Wide Left
  • Sean Durzi Tripping against Ivan Barbashev
  • Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Anthony Mantha
  • Michael Amadio shot blocked by J.J. Moser
  • Giveaway by Jack McBain
  • Jack Eichel shot blocked by Travis Dermott
  • Jack McBain faceoff won against Jack Eichel
  • Jack McBain faceoff won against William Karlsson
  • Josh Doan Slap Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Alex Kerfoot faceoff won against Chandler Stephenson
  • Liam O'Brien hit Michael Amadio
  • Paul Cotter shot blocked by Juuso Valimaki
  • Chandler Stephenson shot blocked by Alex Kerfoot
  • Michael Kesselring hit Michael Amadio
  • Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Jack Eichel
  • Nick Schmaltz Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Dylan Guenther Wrist Shot Wide Right
  • Logan Cooley faceoff won against Brett Howden
  • Dylan Guenther Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Josh Brown hit Brett Howden
  • Michael Kesselring hit Pavel Dorofeyev
  • Jack McBain hit Noah Hanifin
  • Alex Kerfoot hit Michael Amadio
  • Liam O'Brien hit Shea Theodore
  • Clayton Keller Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Nick Bjugstad Backhand saved by Logan Thompson
  • Lawson Crouse hit Brayden McNabb
  • Michael Kesselring Backhand Wide Left
  • Giveaway by Logan Cooley
  • Jonathan Marchessault shot blocked by Sean Durzi
  • Juuso Valimaki hit Ivan Barbashev
  • Jack McBain Snap Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Jack McBain faceoff won against Brett Howden
  • Alex Kerfoot hit Keegan Kolesar
  • Liam O'Brien hit Nicolas Hague
  • Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against William Karlsson
  • Clayton Keller Slap Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Nick Schmaltz faceoff won against Chandler Stephenson
  • Takeaway by J.J. Moser
  • Nick Bjugstad hit Chandler Stephenson
  • Giveaway by Sean Durzi
  • Noah Hanifin shot blocked by Nick Bjugstad
  • Takeaway by Lawson Crouse
  • Lawson Crouse Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Takeaway by Michael Carcone
  • Michael Carcone Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Josh Brown hit Brett Howden
  • Josh Brown hit Zach Whitecloud
  • Liam O'Brien hit Brett Howden
  • Michael Kesselring Snap Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Lawson Crouse Wrist Shot Wide Left
  • Jack McBain faceoff won against William Karlsson
  • Josh Doan Snap Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Jack McBain faceoff won against Chandler Stephenson
  • Michael Kesselring hit Brett Howden
  • Michael Carcone Deflected Wide Right
  • Liam O'Brien Tip-In Wide Left
  • Giveaway by J.J. Moser
  • Takeaway by Lawson Crouse
  • Lawson Crouse Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Logan Cooley Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Sean Durzi Slap Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Chandler Stephenson
  • Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Jack Eichel
  • Nick Bjugstad Wrist Shot Above Crossbar
  • Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Ivan Barbashev
  • Josh Brown Slashing against Pavel Dorofeyev
  • Jonathan Marchessault shot blocked by Alex Kerfoot
  • Shea Theodore shot blocked by Jack McBain
  • Alec Martinez shot blocked by Travis Dermott
  • Jack McBain faceoff won against Jack Eichel
  • Josh Doan hit Brayden McNabb
  • Matias Maccelli Wrist Shot Wide Right
  • Giveaway by J.J. Moser
  • Logan Cooley faceoff won against William Karlsson
  • Takeaway by Lawson Crouse
  • Logan Cooley shot blocked by Dylan Guenther
  • Alex Kerfoot Goal (12) Wrist Shot, assists: Michael Kesselring (13)
  • Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Jack Eichel
  • Logan Cooley Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Logan Cooley faceoff won against William Karlsson
  • Josh Brown Snap Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Alex Kerfoot Hooking against Paul Cotter
  • Jonathan Marchessault shot blocked by Josh Brown
  • Chandler Stephenson shot blocked by Travis Dermott
  • Nick Bjugstad hit Keegan Kolesar
  • Juuso Valimaki hit Paul Cotter
  • Jack McBain hit Michael Amadio
  • Liam O'Brien hit Alec Martinez
  • Nick Schmaltz Slap Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Nick Schmaltz Wrist Shot Above Crossbar
  • Jack McBain faceoff won against Brendan Brisson
  • Josh Doan hit Keegan Kolesar
  • Giveaway by Juuso Valimaki
  • Michael Kesselring hit Ivan Barbashev
  • Nick Bjugstad Backhand saved by Logan Thompson
  • Josh Brown hit Michael Amadio
  • Jack McBain faceoff won against Chandler Stephenson
  • Alex Kerfoot faceoff won against Brett Howden
  • Michael Carcone Slap Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Giveaway by Juuso Valimaki
  • Michael Carcone Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Josh Brown hit Brett Howden
  • Giveaway by Dylan Guenther
  • Dylan Guenther Batted saved by Logan Thompson
  • Logan Cooley hit Nicolas Hague
  • Nick Schmaltz Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Takeaway by Clayton Keller
  • Jack McBain hit William Karlsson
  • Josh Brown hit Paul Cotter
  • Giveaway by Matias Maccelli
  • Josh Brown Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • J.J. Moser hit Keegan Kolesar
  • Takeaway by Juuso Valimaki
  • Michael Kesselring hit Jonathan Marchessault
  • Liam O'Brien hit Brayden McNabb
  • Jack McBain hit Shea Theodore
  • Takeaway by Matias Maccelli
  • Josh Doan Goal (3) Wrist Shot, assists: Jack McBain (15), Matias Maccelli (38)
  • Logan Cooley Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Nick Bjugstad Goal (22) Snap Shot, assists: Clayton Keller (38), Nick Schmaltz (36)
  • Liam O'Brien hit Nicolas Hague
  • Michael Carcone Goal (20) Slap Shot, assists: Liam O'Brien (9)
  • Juuso Valimaki Slashing against Jack Eichel
  • Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Chandler Stephenson
  • Nick Schmaltz hit Shea Theodore
  • Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Brett Howden
  • Brayden McNabb shot blocked by Sean Durzi
  • Shea Theodore shot blocked by Josh Doan
  • Michael Kesselring hit Paul Cotter
  • Takeaway by Liam O'Brien
  • Michael Carcone Goal (21) Wrist Shot, assists: Alex Kerfoot (30), Travis Dermott (5)
  • Jack McBain faceoff won against William Karlsson
  • Josh Brown Goal (2) Slap Shot, assists: Clayton Keller (39), Nick Schmaltz (37)
  • Jack McBain hit Noah Hanifin
  • Alex Kerfoot hit Noah Hanifin
  • Josh Brown hit Shea Theodore
  • Shea Theodore shot blocked by Lawson Crouse
  • Logan Cooley Goal (18) Wrist Shot, assists: Lawson Crouse (17), Dylan Guenther (13)
  • Michael Amadio shot blocked by Juuso Valimaki
  • Nicolas Hague shot blocked by Liam O'Brien
  • Josh Brown hit Brendan Brisson
  • Liam O'Brien hit Noah Hanifin
  • Liam O'Brien hit Nicolas Hague
  • Liam O'Brien hit Keegan Kolesar
  • Sean Durzi Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson
  • Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Brett Howden
  • Jack Eichel hit Nick Bjugstad
  • Zach Whitecloud Wrist Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Keegan Kolesar Backhand saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Puck in Benches
  • Icing
  • Brayden McNabb hit Jack McBain
  • Puck in Netting
  • Michael Carcone shot blocked by Noah Hanifin
  • Chandler Stephenson Deflected saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Keegan Kolesar hit Dylan Guenther
  • Zach Whitecloud hit Logan Cooley
  • Icing
  • Dylan Guenther shot blocked by Alec Martinez
  • Anthony Mantha hit Juuso Valimaki
  • Nicolas Hague hit Jack McBain
  • Michael Kesselring shot blocked by Noah Hanifin
  • Michael Carcone shot blocked by Nicolas Hague
  • Josh Doan shot blocked by Noah Hanifin
  • Nick Schmaltz shot blocked by Brayden McNabb
  • Paul Cotter hit Travis Dermott
  • Icing
  • Jack Eichel faceoff won against Dylan Guenther
  • Icing
  • Brett Howden hit Matias Maccelli
  • Puck in Benches
  • Puck in Netting
  • Sean Durzi shot blocked by Paul Cotter
  • Paul Cotter hit Sean Durzi
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Nick Bjugstad
  • Takeaway by Chandler Stephenson
  • Giveaway by Michael Amadio
  • Off-side
  • Brendan Brisson faceoff won against Alex Kerfoot
  • Zach Whitecloud hit Alex Kerfoot
  • Keegan Kolesar hit Alex Kerfoot
  • Jack Eichel Wrist Shot Wide Right
  • Brayden McNabb hit Logan Cooley
  • Puck in Benches
  • Puck in Netting
  • Matias Maccelli shot blocked by Brayden McNabb
  • Brett Howden hit Michael Carcone
  • Takeaway by Jonathan Marchessault
  • Jonathan Marchessault Interference against Logan Cooley
  • Jack Eichel faceoff won against Alex Kerfoot
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Nick Schmaltz
  • Puck in Benches
  • Takeaway by Zach Whitecloud
  • Matias Maccelli shot blocked by Jack Eichel
  • Puck in Netting
  • Nicolas Hague hit Nick Bjugstad
  • Jack Eichel Wrist Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Nicolas Hague Slap Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Ivan Barbashev Backhand Wide Right
  • Ivan Barbashev Tip-In Wide Left
  • Puck Frozen - Goalie
  • William Karlsson faceoff won against Jack McBain
  • Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Nick Bjugstad
  • Jonathan Marchessault shot blocked by Ivan Barbashev
  • Jack Eichel Wrist Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Puck Frozen - Goalie
  • Brendan Brisson faceoff won against Alex Kerfoot
  • Puck in Benches
  • Giveaway by Ivan Barbashev
  • Juuso Valimaki shot blocked by Alec Martinez
  • Off-side
  • Ivan Barbashev hit Jack McBain
  • Noah Hanifin Snap Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Anthony Mantha hit Logan Cooley
  • Pavel Dorofeyev Wrist Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Off-side
  • Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Alex Kerfoot
  • Puck in Benches
  • Keegan Kolesar hit Travis Dermott
  • Icing
  • Ivan Barbashev faceoff won against Jack McBain
  • Puck in Netting
  • Brayden McNabb Wrist Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Jack Eichel Goal (27) Wrist Shot, assists: Brayden McNabb (22), Shea Theodore (33)
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Giveaway by Brayden McNabb
  • Anthony Mantha Wrist Shot Wide Left
  • Puck Frozen - Goalie
  • Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Liam O'Brien
  • Paul Cotter Backhand saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Nick Bjugstad
  • Jonathan Marchessault Snap Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Jack McBain
  • William Karlsson Slap Shot Wide Left
  • Pavel Dorofeyev Wrap-around saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • William Karlsson hit J.J. Moser
  • William Karlsson Goal (27) Wrist Shot, assists: Brendan Brisson (6), Shea Theodore (34)
  • Keegan Kolesar hit Clayton Keller
  • Puck in Benches
  • Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Jack McBain
  • Paul Cotter hit Jack McBain
  • On-Ice Official
  • Jack McBain shot blocked by Zach Whitecloud
  • Alex Kerfoot shot blocked by Zach Whitecloud
  • Ivan Barbashev hit Sean Durzi
  • William Karlsson hit Clayton Keller
  • Giveaway by Pavel Dorofeyev
  • Anthony Mantha Goal (23) Wrist Shot, assists: William Karlsson (28), Pavel Dorofeyev (8)
  • Brendan Brisson hit Sean Durzi
  • Icing
  • Brett Howden Slap Shot Short
  • Brendan Brisson Snap Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Zach Whitecloud hit Josh Doan
  • Brett Howden hit Jack McBain
  • Puck in Benches
  • Shea Theodore Wrist Shot Above Crossbar
  • Takeaway by Jonathan Marchessault
  • Michael Amadio Backhand Wide Left
  • Nicolas Hague Slap Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Goalie Stopped
  • High Stick
  • Chandler Stephenson Goal (16) Backhand, assists: Paul Cotter (17), Zach Whitecloud (10)
  • Liam O'Brien shot blocked by Brayden McNabb
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Brett Howden faceoff won against Alex Kerfoot
  • Shea Theodore Wrist Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Goalie Puck Frozen - played from beyond center
  • William Karlsson faceoff won against Alex Kerfoot
  • Giveaway by Brendan Brisson
  • Lawson Crouse shot blocked by Brendan Brisson
  • Nick Bjugstad shot blocked by Noah Hanifin
  • Nick Schmaltz shot blocked by Ivan Barbashev
  • Takeaway by Nicolas Hague
  • Jonathan Marchessault Wrist Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Shea Theodore hit Alex Kerfoot
  • Dylan Guenther shot blocked by Chandler Stephenson
  • Michael Amadio hit Lawson Crouse
  • Nicolas Hague hit Clayton Keller
  • Jonathan Marchessault Wrist Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Brayden McNabb hit Jack McBain
  • Paul Cotter hit Josh Brown
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Dylan Guenther
  • Takeaway by Noah Hanifin
  • Alex Kerfoot shot blocked by Brayden McNabb
  • Shea Theodore Slap Shot Short
  • Timeout - Visitor
  • TV Timeout
  • Noah Hanifin Slap Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Challenge Hm - off-side - no goal
  • Off-side
  • Icing
  • William Karlsson faceoff won against Nick Bjugstad
  • Paul Cotter hit Clayton Keller
  • Michael Kesselring shot blocked by Noah Hanifin
  • Chandler Stephenson hit Sean Durzi
  • Alec Martinez hit Logan Cooley
  • Puck in Netting
  • Shea Theodore hit Nick Bjugstad
  • William Karlsson hit Clayton Keller
  • Giveaway by Noah Hanifin
  • Jack McBain shot blocked by Paul Cotter
  • Shea Theodore Wrist Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Jonathan Marchessault hit Logan Cooley
  • Icing
  • Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Nick Bjugstad
  • Noah Hanifin Slap Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Jack McBain
  • Zach Whitecloud Wrist Shot Wide Right
  • Puck Frozen - Goalie
  • Brett Howden faceoff won against Alex Kerfoot
  • Keegan Kolesar Slashing against Liam O'Brien
0:00Start of 1st Period00
0:00Jack Eichel faceoff won against Nick Bjugstad00
0:19Jack Eichel hit Nick Bjugstad00
0:32J.J. Moser Snap Shot Wide Left00
0:41Sean Durzi Tripping against Ivan Barbashev00
0:41Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Anthony Mantha00
1:41Michael Amadio shot blocked by J.J. Moser00
1:45Giveaway by Jack McBain00
2:31Jack Eichel shot blocked by Travis Dermott00
3:13Zach Whitecloud Wrist Shot saved by Karel Vejmelka00
3:20Keegan Kolesar Backhand saved by Karel Vejmelka00
3:26Puck in Benches00
3:26Jack McBain faceoff won against Jack Eichel00
3:32Jack McBain faceoff won against William Karlsson00
3:45Josh Doan Slap Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
3:51Brayden McNabb hit Jack McBain00
3:57Puck in Netting00
3:57Alex Kerfoot faceoff won against Chandler Stephenson00
4:02Michael Carcone shot blocked by Noah Hanifin00
4:27Liam O'Brien hit Michael Amadio00
4:28Paul Cotter shot blocked by Juuso Valimaki00
4:37Chandler Stephenson shot blocked by Alex Kerfoot00
4:44Chandler Stephenson Deflected saved by Karel Vejmelka00
4:44Michael Kesselring hit Michael Amadio00
4:46Goalie Stopped00
4:46Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Jack Eichel00
5:02Nick Schmaltz Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
5:48Dylan Guenther Wrist Shot Wide Right00
5:52Keegan Kolesar hit Dylan Guenther00
5:55Zach Whitecloud hit Logan Cooley00
5:58Logan Cooley faceoff won against Brett Howden00
6:00Dylan Guenther shot blocked by Alec Martinez00
6:08Dylan Guenther Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
6:22Josh Brown hit Brett Howden00
6:39Anthony Mantha hit Juuso Valimaki00
6:58Nicolas Hague hit Jack McBain00
7:00Michael Kesselring shot blocked by Noah Hanifin00
7:12Michael Kesselring hit Pavel Dorofeyev00
7:14Jack McBain hit Noah Hanifin00
7:30Michael Carcone shot blocked by Nicolas Hague00
7:31Josh Doan shot blocked by Noah Hanifin00
7:49Alex Kerfoot hit Michael Amadio00
7:57Liam O'Brien hit Shea Theodore00
8:22Nick Schmaltz shot blocked by Brayden McNabb00
8:40Clayton Keller Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
8:52Paul Cotter hit Travis Dermott00
8:55Nick Bjugstad Backhand saved by Logan Thompson00
9:03Jack Eichel faceoff won against Dylan Guenther00
9:16Lawson Crouse hit Brayden McNabb00
9:31Michael Kesselring Backhand Wide Left00
9:38Giveaway by Logan Cooley00
9:42Jonathan Marchessault shot blocked by Sean Durzi00
9:49Juuso Valimaki hit Ivan Barbashev00
10:11Jack McBain Snap Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
10:21Jack McBain faceoff won against Brett Howden00
10:29Brett Howden hit Matias Maccelli00
10:50Alex Kerfoot hit Keegan Kolesar00
10:57Liam O'Brien hit Nicolas Hague00
11:55Puck in Benches00
11:55Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against William Karlsson00
12:01Clayton Keller Slap Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
12:03Puck in Netting00
12:03Nick Schmaltz faceoff won against Chandler Stephenson00
12:07Sean Durzi shot blocked by Paul Cotter00
12:08Paul Cotter hit Sean Durzi00
12:09Goalie Stopped00
12:09Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Nick Bjugstad00
12:26Takeaway by Chandler Stephenson00
12:27Takeaway by J.J. Moser00
12:32Nick Bjugstad hit Chandler Stephenson00
12:40Giveaway by Sean Durzi00
12:45Noah Hanifin shot blocked by Nick Bjugstad00
12:54Giveaway by Michael Amadio00
13:07Takeaway by Lawson Crouse00
13:07Lawson Crouse Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
13:17Brendan Brisson faceoff won against Alex Kerfoot00
13:28Zach Whitecloud hit Alex Kerfoot00
13:32Takeaway by Michael Carcone00
13:34Michael Carcone Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
13:45Josh Brown hit Brett Howden00
13:53Josh Brown hit Zach Whitecloud00
13:56Liam O'Brien hit Brett Howden00
13:59Keegan Kolesar hit Alex Kerfoot00
14:18Jack Eichel Wrist Shot Wide Right00
14:30Brayden McNabb hit Logan Cooley00
14:37Michael Kesselring Snap Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
14:38Lawson Crouse Wrist Shot Wide Left00
14:46Puck in Benches00
14:46Jack McBain faceoff won against William Karlsson00
14:51Josh Doan Snap Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
14:54Puck in Netting00
14:54Jack McBain faceoff won against Chandler Stephenson00
15:07Matias Maccelli shot blocked by Brayden McNabb00
16:45Michael Kesselring hit Brett Howden00
16:55Michael Carcone Deflected Wide Right00
16:59Brett Howden hit Michael Carcone00
16:59Liam O'Brien Tip-In Wide Left00
17:06Takeaway by Jonathan Marchessault00
17:23Giveaway by J.J. Moser00
17:42Takeaway by Lawson Crouse00
17:43Lawson Crouse Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
17:49Logan Cooley Wrist Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
17:53Jonathan Marchessault Interference against Logan Cooley00
17:53Jack Eichel faceoff won against Alex Kerfoot00
18:38Sean Durzi Slap Shot saved by Logan Thompson00
18:40Goalie Stopped00
18:40Chandler Stephenson faceoff won against Nick Schmaltz00
19:01Puck in Benches00
19:01Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Chandler Stephenson00
19:10Takeaway by Zach Whitecloud00
19:39Matias Maccelli shot blocked by Jack Eichel00
19:40Puck in Netting00
19:40Nick Bjugstad faceoff won against Jack Eichel00
19:45Nick Bjugstad Wrist Shot Above Crossbar00
19:56Nicolas Hague hit Nick Bjugstad00
20:00End of 1st Period00