Scoring Summary


1stO Cabrera homered to left.10
1stB Abreu grounded into fielder's choice to second, J Rollins scored on error by shortstop O Cabrera, P Polanco safe at third on error by shortstop O Cabrera, J Thome safe at second on error by shortsto11
1stM Lieberthal walked, P Polanco scored, J Thome to third, B Abreu to second.12
1stD Bell hit sacrifice fly to center, J Thome scored.13
2ndJ Thome homered to right center, P Polanco scored.15
3rdO Cabrera singled to left, B Schneider scored.25
4thR Calloway doubled to left, J Liefer scored.35
5thO Cabrera homered to left.45
6thJ Vidro singled to left, B Schneider scored, O Cabrera to third, J Vidro to second advancing on throw.55
6thB Abreu walked, T Perez scored, P Polanco to third, J Thome to second.56
6thM Lieberthal walked, P Polanco scored, J Thome to third, B Abreu to second.57
7thJ Rollins grounded into fielder's choice to pitcher, J Michaels scored, R Ledee to third, T Perez to second.58
7thJ Thome singled to center, T Perez and J Rollins scored, P Polanco to second, P Polanco thrown out at third attempting to advance on throw.510
8thT Perez singled to center, M Lieberthal and J Michaels scored.512
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