Scoring Summary


1stA Ramirez homered to left, N Perez scored.40
1stA Ramirez homered to left, N Perez scored.40
4thS Casey singled to center, R Freel scored.42
4thS Casey singled to center, R Freel scored.42
5thA Ramirez homered to left.62
5thA Ramirez homered to left.62
5thW Pena scored, J LaRue to third, J Hancock to second on wild pitch by K Wood.64
5thW Pena scored, J LaRue to third, J Hancock to second on wild pitch by K Wood.64
5thF Lopez doubled to right, J LaRue and J Hancock scored.68
5thF Lopez doubled to right, J LaRue and J Hancock scored.68
7thA Ramirez homered to left center, C Patterson scored.108
7thA Ramirez homered to left center, C Patterson scored.108
9thA Ramirez homered to left, N Perez scored.108
9thS Casey singled to center, R Freel scored.108
9thA Ramirez homered to left.108
9thW Pena scored, J LaRue to third, J Hancock to second on wild pitch by K Wood.108
9thF Lopez doubled to right, J LaRue and J Hancock scored.108
7thA Ramirez homered to left center, C Patterson scored.108
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