Scoring Summary


1stM Teixeira singled to right, G Matthews Jr scored.01
2ndH Luna doubled to deep right, J Inglett scored, H Luna out stretching at third.11
3rdM Teixeira homered to center, M Young scored.13
3rdC Lee homered to left.14
4thG Matthews Jr safe at second on error by first baseman R Garko, I Kinsler scored, R Barajas to third.15
4thM Young singled to center, R Barajas and G Matthews Jr scored.17
4thM Teixeira doubled to deep center, M Young scored.18
6thJ Inglett singled to right, R Garko scored, C Blake to third, K Kouzmanoff to second.28
6thH Luna hit sacrifice fly to right, C Blake scored, K Kouzmanoff to third.38
7thC Lee homered to left.39
8thM Young singled to right, R Barajas and N Cruz scored, G Matthews Jr to second.311
8thC Lee hit sacrifice fly to right, G Matthews Jr scored.312
9thR Garko hit sacrifice fly to right, F Gutierrez scored.412
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