- RedsTop 1st
- J. Steele pitching for CHCCINCHC
Pitch Type MPH 1Strike LookingFour-seam FB 90 2BallFour-seam FB 93 3Foul BallFour-seam FB 92 4BallFour-seam FB 92 5Foul OutSlider 85
- CubsBottom 1st
- H. Greene pitching for CINCINCHC
- RedsTop 2nd
- J. Steele pitching for CHCCINCHC
- CubsBottom 2nd
- H. Greene pitching for CINCINCHC
- RedsTop 3rd
- J. Steele pitching for CHCCINCHC
- Senzel singled to center, Stephenson scored, Senzel safe at second on fielding error by center fielder Tauchman.30
- CubsBottom 3rd
- H. Greene pitching for CINCINCHC
- RedsTop 4th
- J. Steele pitching for CHCCINCHC
- Casali sacrificed to first, Casali to first on error by pitcher Steele, Barrero to third.40
- J. Merryweather pitching for CHCCINCHC
- CubsBottom 4th
- H. Greene pitching for CINCINCHC
- RedsTop 5th
- J. Merryweather pitching for CHCCINCHC
- CubsBottom 5th
- H. Greene pitching for CINCINCHC
- RedsTop 6th
- J. Assad pitching for CHCCINCHC
- CubsBottom 6th
- H. Greene pitching for CINCINCHC
- RedsTop 7th
- J. Assad pitching for CHCCINCHC
- CubsBottom 7th
- E. Salazar pitching for CINCINCHC
- RedsTop 8th
- J. Assad pitching for CHCCINCHC
- Ríos at third base.70
- Mastrobuoni at shortstop.70
- CubsBottom 8th
- E. Salazar pitching for CINCINCHC
- Benson in left field.70
- Senzel at third base.70
- Newman at second base.70
- RedsTop 9th
- J. Assad pitching for CHCCINCHC
- A. Alzolay pitching for CHCCINCHC
- CubsBottom 9th
- F. Cruz pitching for CINCINCHC
CIN wins 3-0
Game Information
Wrigley Field
7:20 PM, 26 May 2023
Chicago, Illinois
Attendance: 31,946
Game Time:2:41
- Umpires:
- Home Plate Umpire - Adrian Johnson
- First Base Umpire - Manny Gonzalez
- Second Base Umpire - Quinn Wolcott
- Third Base Umpire - Junior Valentine