NHL Shot Chart
  • Giveaway by Lukas Reichel
  • Lukas Reichel hit Oliver Bjorkstrand
  • Jaden Schwartz shot blocked by Connor Murphy
  • Connor Murphy hit Alex Wennberg
  • Ryan Donato faceoff won against Yanni Gourde
  • Lukas Reichel faceoff won against Oliver Bjorkstrand
  • Seth Jones Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Giveaway by Seth Jones
  • Tyler Johnson Backhand saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Giveaway by Kevin Korchinski
  • Seth Jones Interference against Matty Beniers
  • Giveaway by Jason Dickinson
  • Takeaway by Alex Vlasic
  • Alex Vlasic Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Giveaway by Wyatt Kaiser
  • Oliver Bjorkstrand shot blocked by Wyatt Kaiser
  • Seth Jones Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Takeaway by Reese Johnson
  • Reese Johnson Wrist Shot Wide Right
  • Giveaway by Connor Bedard
  • Tye Kartye shot blocked by Seth Jones
  • Takeaway by Connor Bedard
  • Connor Bedard Wrist Shot Wide Right
  • Ryan Donato Tip-In saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Boris Katchouk Goal (2) Wrist Shot, assists: Ryan Donato (6), Seth Jones (8)
  • Joey Anderson Deflected Above Crossbar
  • Jason Dickinson Wrist Shot Wide Right
  • Jason Dickinson shot blocked by Joey Anderson
  • Jason Dickinson Goal (7) Wrist Shot, assists: Isaak Phillips (3), Joey Anderson (2)
  • Takeaway by Lukas Reichel
  • Tye Kartye shot blocked by Kevin Korchinski
  • Brian Dumoulin shot blocked by Nick Foligno
  • Kailer Yamamoto shot blocked by Connor Murphy
  • Connor Murphy hit Kailer Yamamoto
  • Connor Murphy Tripping against Jaden Schwartz
  • Jason Dickinson faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • Connor Murphy Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Kevin Korchinski Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Tyler Johnson faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • Giveaway by Kevin Korchinski
  • Matty Beniers shot blocked by Seth Jones
  • Takeaway by Connor Murphy
  • Jason Dickinson Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Boris Katchouk hit Kailer Yamamoto
  • Giveaway by Wyatt Kaiser
  • Wyatt Kaiser Tripping against Jaden Schwartz
  • Takeaway by Nick Foligno
  • Connor Bedard faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • Giveaway by Seth Jones
  • Matty Beniers shot blocked by Isaak Phillips
  • Philipp Kurashev faceoff won against Pierre-Edouard Bellemare
  • Philipp Kurashev Wrist Shot Above Crossbar
  • Yanni Gourde shot blocked by Alex Vlasic
  • Lukas Reichel Backhand saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Tyler Johnson faceoff won against Yanni Gourde
  • Giveaway by Lukas Reichel
  • Nick Foligno faceoff won against Yanni Gourde
  • Giveaway by Petr Mrazek
  • Wyatt Kaiser hit Jared McCann
  • Takeaway by Wyatt Kaiser
  • MacKenzie Entwistle hit Brian Dumoulin
  • Jason Dickinson hit Andrew Poturalski
  • Ryan Donato Deflected Above Crossbar
  • Lukas Reichel faceoff won against Yanni Gourde
  • Tyler Johnson Goal (6) Snap Shot, assists: Taylor Raddysh (2), Lukas Reichel (4)
  • MacKenzie Entwistle faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • MacKenzie Entwistle hit Vince Dunn
  • Takeaway by Joey Anderson
  • Giveaway by Joey Anderson
  • Takeaway by Joey Anderson
  • Nick Foligno hit Alex Wennberg
  • Justin Schultz shot blocked by Philipp Kurashev
  • Giveaway by Isaak Phillips
  • Giveaway by Seth Jones
  • Ryan Donato faceoff won against Eeli Tolvanen
  • Takeaway by Seth Jones
  • Ryan Donato hit Adam Larsson
  • Giveaway by Lukas Reichel
  • Ryan Donato faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • Connor Murphy hit Jared McCann
  • MacKenzie Entwistle Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Brian Dumoulin shot blocked by Philipp Kurashev
  • Takeaway by Isaak Phillips
  • Joey Anderson Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • MacKenzie Entwistle Goal (2) Snap Shot, assists: Joey Anderson (3)
  • Jared McCann shot blocked by Seth Jones
  • Alex Vlasic Wrist Shot Wide Left
  • Tyler Johnson faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • Tyler Johnson faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • Nick Foligno faceoff won against Alex Wennberg
  • Giveaway by Nick Foligno
  • Connor Bedard Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Takeaway by Alex Vlasic
  • Seth Jones Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Takeaway by Joey Anderson
  • Yanni Gourde shot blocked by Jason Dickinson
  • Giveaway by Kevin Korchinski
  • Tyler Johnson faceoff won against Pierre-Edouard Bellemare
  • Takeaway by Connor Bedard
  • Seth Jones shot blocked by Lukas Reichel
  • Giveaway by Lukas Reichel
  • Seth Jones Slap Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Philipp Kurashev Slap Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Nick Foligno Tip-In saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Nick Foligno Unsportsmanlike conduct against Yanni Gourde
  • Ryan Donato Unsportsmanlike conduct against Philipp Grubauer
  • Jason Dickinson faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • Jason Dickinson faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • Alex Vlasic hit Tye Kartye
  • Jordan Eberle shot blocked by Seth Jones
  • Giveaway by Alex Vlasic
  • Eeli Tolvanen shot blocked by Wyatt Kaiser
  • Giveaway by Boris Katchouk
  • Jason Dickinson faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • Giveaway by Alex Vlasic
  • Taylor Raddysh hit Adam Larsson
  • Seth Jones hit Andrew Poturalski
  • Justin Schultz shot blocked by Seth Jones
  • Takeaway by Connor Bedard
  • Philipp Kurashev Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Nick Foligno faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • Seth Jones shot blocked by Philipp Kurashev
  • Takeaway by Ryan Donato
  • Isaak Phillips Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Connor Bedard faceoff won against Pierre-Edouard Bellemare
  • Seth Jones Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer
  • Jason Dickinson faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • Giveaway by MacKenzie Entwistle
  • Jason Dickinson faceoff won against Matty Beniers
  • Ryan Donato faceoff won against Yanni Gourde
  • Brian Dumoulin shot blocked by Seth Jones
  • Jared McCann shot blocked by Alex Vlasic
  • Lukas Reichel Slashing against Brian Dumoulin
  • Boris Katchouk Tripping against Alex Wennberg
  • Vince Dunn shot blocked by Connor Murphy
  • Justin Schultz shot blocked by Isaak Phillips
  • Adam Larsson shot blocked by Alex Vlasic
  • Vince Dunn shot blocked by Philipp Kurashev
  • Giveaway by Connor Murphy
  • Jared McCann shot blocked by Tyler Johnson
  • Connor Murphy hit Matty Beniers
  • MacKenzie Entwistle Backhand Wide Right
  • Takeaway by Joey Anderson
  • Takeaway by Jason Dickinson
  • Jason Dickinson faceoff won against Alex Wennberg
  • Eeli Tolvanen hit Connor Murphy
  • Yanni Gourde hit Kevin Korchinski
  • Matty Beniers Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Will Borgen Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Matty Beniers faceoff won against Nick Foligno
  • Jared McCann Wrist Shot Above Crossbar
  • Brian Dumoulin hit MacKenzie Entwistle
  • Isaak Phillips shot blocked by Vince Dunn
  • Pierre-Edouard Bellemare Wrist Shot Wide Right
  • Icing
  • Eeli Tolvanen Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Icing
  • Yanni Gourde faceoff won against Tyler Johnson
  • Brian Dumoulin Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Adam Larsson Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Adam Larsson hit Connor Bedard
  • Jaden Schwartz faceoff won against Jason Dickinson
  • Giveaway by Matty Beniers
  • Jaden Schwartz Tip-In saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Puck in Netting
  • Alex Wennberg faceoff won against Reese Johnson
  • Will Borgen hit Boris Katchouk
  • Alex Wennberg hit Alex Vlasic
  • Isaak Phillips shot blocked by Will Borgen
  • Giveaway by Eeli Tolvanen
  • Seth Jones shot blocked by Eeli Tolvanen
  • Giveaway by Tye Kartye
  • Takeaway by Jaden Schwartz
  • TV Timeout
  • Jaden Schwartz faceoff won against Jason Dickinson
  • Puck in Netting
  • Giveaway by Alex Wennberg
  • Alex Wennberg Tip-In saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Puck Frozen - Goalie
  • Pierre-Edouard Bellemare faceoff won against Tyler Johnson
  • Tye Kartye Wrist Shot Wide Right
  • Giveaway by Will Borgen
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Matty Beniers Goal (4) Wrist Shot, assists: Jared McCann (5)
  • Oliver Bjorkstrand Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Pierre-Edouard Bellemare Tip-In Wide Left
  • TV Timeout
  • Alex Wennberg faceoff won against Jason Dickinson
  • Jared McCann Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Alex Wennberg faceoff won against Nick Foligno
  • Justin Schultz Snap Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Justin Schultz Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Justin Schultz Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Jared McCann Hooking against Nick Foligno
  • Off-side
  • Puck in Benches
  • Yanni Gourde faceoff won against Connor Bedard
  • Alex Wennberg Goal (3) Wrist Shot, assists: Adam Larsson (4), Philipp Grubauer (1)
  • Yanni Gourde hit Nick Foligno
  • Kevin Korchinski shot blocked by Adam Larsson
  • Puck in Netting
  • Icing
  • Puck in Crowd
  • Andrew Poturalski faceoff won against Jason Dickinson
  • Puck Frozen - Goalie
  • Giveaway by Will Borgen
  • Jared McCann Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Off-side
  • Andrew Poturalski faceoff won against Nick Foligno
  • Tye Kartye Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Pierre-Edouard Bellemare hit Ryan Donato
  • Icing
  • Takeaway by Yanni Gourde
  • Vince Dunn Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Oliver Bjorkstrand Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Icing
  • Brian Dumoulin hit Taylor Raddysh
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Andrew Poturalski faceoff won against Nick Foligno
  • Takeaway by Will Borgen
  • Icing
  • Yanni Gourde faceoff won against Connor Bedard
  • Giveaway by Brian Dumoulin
  • Puck in Crowd
  • Matty Beniers faceoff won against Ryan Donato
  • Icing
  • Icing
  • Matty Beniers Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Icing
  • Takeaway by Kailer Yamamoto
  • Alex Wennberg Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Yanni Gourde faceoff won against Jason Dickinson
  • Joey Anderson shot blocked by Vince Dunn
  • Tye Kartye Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Will Borgen Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Jamie Oleksiak Backhand saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Jordan Eberle Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Matty Beniers Tip-In Wide Right
  • Will Borgen hit Boris Katchouk
  • Isaak Phillips shot blocked by Matty Beniers
  • Matty Beniers Tripping against Lukas Reichel
  • TV Timeout
  • Takeaway by Alex Wennberg
  • Lukas Reichel shot blocked by Jamie Oleksiak
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Yanni Gourde Unsportsmanlike conduct against Nick Foligno
  • Philipp Grubauer Unsportsmanlike conduct against Ryan Donato served by Jared McCann
  • Off-side
  • Matty Beniers faceoff won against Jason Dickinson
  • Puck in Benches
  • Joey Anderson shot blocked by Adam Larsson
  • Matty Beniers hit Taylor Raddysh
  • Jordan Eberle Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Giveaway by Jaden Schwartz
  • Icing
  • Pierre-Edouard Bellemare faceoff won against Boris Katchouk
  • Eeli Tolvanen Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Eeli Tolvanen hit Isaak Phillips
  • Kailer Yamamoto Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Icing
  • Yanni Gourde faceoff won against Connor Bedard
  • Adam Larsson Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Eeli Tolvanen Slap Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Yanni Gourde faceoff won against Lukas Reichel
  • Yanni Gourde Deflected Wide Left
  • Vince Dunn Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Nick Foligno shot blocked by Adam Larsson
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Takeaway by Matty Beniers
  • Matty Beniers Poke saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Tye Kartye Goal (4) Snap Shot, assists: Matty Beniers (8)
  • Giveaway by Vince Dunn
  • Yanni Gourde hit Connor Murphy
  • Justin Schultz Slashing against Joey Anderson
  • Jason Dickinson shot blocked by Brian Dumoulin
  • Puck in Benches
  • Connor Murphy shot blocked by Tye Kartye
  • Icing
  • Tye Kartye hit Connor Murphy
  • Giveaway by Alex Wennberg
  • Icing
  • Yanni Gourde Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Goalie Stopped
  • Yanni Gourde faceoff won against Tyler Johnson
  • Matty Beniers faceoff won against Nick Foligno
  • Tye Kartye Tip-In saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Timeout - Visitor
  • Matty Beniers faceoff won against Reese Johnson
  • Matty Beniers Wrist Shot Wide Left
  • Matty Beniers Tip-In Above Crossbar
  • Puck in Netting
  • Alex Wennberg faceoff won against Nick Foligno
  • Justin Schultz Slap Shot saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Eeli Tolvanen Tip-In saved by Petr Mrazek
  • Icing
  • Matty Beniers faceoff won against Connor Bedard
  • Jared McCann Wrist Shot Wide Left
  • Puck in Crowd
  • Yanni Gourde faceoff won against Lukas Reichel
  • Icing
  • Matty Beniers faceoff won against Tyler Johnson
  • Tyler Johnson shot blocked by Oliver Bjorkstrand
  • Jason Dickinson shot blocked by Vince Dunn
  • Off-side
  • Puck in Crowd
0:00Start of 1st Period00
0:00Tyler Johnson faceoff won against Yanni Gourde00
0:06Giveaway by Lukas Reichel00
0:08Lukas Reichel hit Oliver Bjorkstrand00
0:11Eeli Tolvanen hit Connor Murphy00
0:13Yanni Gourde hit Kevin Korchinski00
0:55Matty Beniers Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek00
1:05Will Borgen Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek00
1:07Goalie Stopped00
1:07Matty Beniers faceoff won against Nick Foligno00
1:38Jared McCann Wrist Shot Above Crossbar00
2:18Brian Dumoulin hit MacKenzie Entwistle00
2:32Jaden Schwartz shot blocked by Connor Murphy00
2:37Connor Murphy hit Alex Wennberg00
3:07Isaak Phillips shot blocked by Vince Dunn00
3:17Pierre-Edouard Bellemare Wrist Shot Wide Right00
3:30Ryan Donato faceoff won against Yanni Gourde00
3:35Eeli Tolvanen Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek00
3:37Goalie Stopped00
3:37Lukas Reichel faceoff won against Oliver Bjorkstrand00
3:46Yanni Gourde faceoff won against Tyler Johnson00
3:48Brian Dumoulin Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek00
3:57Seth Jones Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer00
4:03Giveaway by Seth Jones00
4:19Tyler Johnson Backhand saved by Philipp Grubauer00
4:35Giveaway by Kevin Korchinski00
4:54Adam Larsson Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek00
5:09Adam Larsson hit Connor Bedard00
5:13Seth Jones Interference against Matty Beniers00
5:13Jaden Schwartz faceoff won against Jason Dickinson00
5:22Giveaway by Matty Beniers00
5:31Giveaway by Jason Dickinson00
5:48Jaden Schwartz Tip-In saved by Petr Mrazek00
6:01Takeaway by Alex Vlasic00
6:01Alex Vlasic Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer00
6:29Giveaway by Wyatt Kaiser00
6:32Oliver Bjorkstrand shot blocked by Wyatt Kaiser00
6:40Puck in Netting00
6:40Alex Wennberg faceoff won against Reese Johnson00
7:21Seth Jones Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer00
7:31Takeaway by Reese Johnson00
7:34Reese Johnson Wrist Shot Wide Right00
8:10Giveaway by Connor Bedard00
8:25Tye Kartye shot blocked by Seth Jones00
8:37Takeaway by Connor Bedard00
8:43Connor Bedard Wrist Shot Wide Right00
8:52Ryan Donato Tip-In saved by Philipp Grubauer00
8:54Boris Katchouk Goal (2) Wrist Shot, assists: Ryan Donato (6), Seth Jones (8)01
8:54Alex Wennberg faceoff won against Ryan Donato01
9:00Will Borgen hit Boris Katchouk01
9:20Alex Wennberg hit Alex Vlasic01
9:55Joey Anderson Deflected Above Crossbar01
10:03Isaak Phillips shot blocked by Will Borgen01
10:05Jason Dickinson Wrist Shot Wide Right01
10:13Jason Dickinson shot blocked by Joey Anderson01
10:23Jason Dickinson Goal (7) Wrist Shot, assists: Isaak Phillips (3), Joey Anderson (2)02
10:23Yanni Gourde faceoff won against Tyler Johnson02
10:30Giveaway by Eeli Tolvanen02
10:36Takeaway by Lukas Reichel02
10:36Seth Jones shot blocked by Eeli Tolvanen02
11:12Giveaway by Tye Kartye02
11:14Tye Kartye shot blocked by Kevin Korchinski02
11:32Brian Dumoulin shot blocked by Nick Foligno02
11:47Kailer Yamamoto shot blocked by Connor Murphy02
11:53Connor Murphy hit Kailer Yamamoto02
12:15Takeaway by Jaden Schwartz02
12:16Connor Murphy Tripping against Jaden Schwartz02
12:16TV Timeout02
12:16Jaden Schwartz faceoff won against Jason Dickinson02
12:44Puck in Netting02
12:44Jason Dickinson faceoff won against Matty Beniers02
13:24Giveaway by Alex Wennberg02
13:57Alex Wennberg Tip-In saved by Petr Mrazek02
14:14Puck Frozen - Goalie02
14:14Pierre-Edouard Bellemare faceoff won against Tyler Johnson02
14:15Tye Kartye Wrist Shot Wide Right02
14:21Connor Murphy Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer02
14:23Giveaway by Will Borgen02
14:28Kevin Korchinski Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer02
14:29Goalie Stopped02
14:29Tyler Johnson faceoff won against Matty Beniers02
14:38Giveaway by Kevin Korchinski02
14:42Matty Beniers shot blocked by Seth Jones02
14:43Matty Beniers Goal (4) Wrist Shot, assists: Jared McCann (5)12
14:43MacKenzie Entwistle faceoff won against Yanni Gourde12
15:04Oliver Bjorkstrand Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek12
15:11Takeaway by Connor Murphy12
15:37Jason Dickinson Wrist Shot saved by Philipp Grubauer12
16:03Boris Katchouk hit Kailer Yamamoto12
16:07Pierre-Edouard Bellemare Tip-In Wide Left12
16:26Giveaway by Wyatt Kaiser12
16:33Wyatt Kaiser Tripping against Jaden Schwartz12
16:33TV Timeout12
16:33Alex Wennberg faceoff won against Jason Dickinson12
16:41Jared McCann Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek12
16:44Goalie Stopped12
16:44Alex Wennberg faceoff won against Nick Foligno12
17:08Takeaway by Nick Foligno12
17:15Justin Schultz Snap Shot saved by Petr Mrazek12
17:27Justin Schultz Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek12
17:35Justin Schultz Wrist Shot saved by Petr Mrazek12
17:43Jared McCann Hooking against Nick Foligno12
17:43Connor Bedard faceoff won against Matty Beniers12
17:58Giveaway by Seth Jones12
18:14Matty Beniers shot blocked by Isaak Phillips12
18:21Philipp Kurashev faceoff won against Pierre-Edouard Bellemare12
18:24Philipp Kurashev Wrist Shot Above Crossbar12
18:29Puck in Benches12
18:29Yanni Gourde faceoff won against Connor Bedard12
19:23Alex Wennberg Goal (3) Wrist Shot, assists: Adam Larsson (4), Philipp Grubauer (1)22
19:23Pierre-Edouard Bellemare faceoff won against Ryan Donato22
19:43Yanni Gourde shot blocked by Alex Vlasic22
19:49Yanni Gourde hit Nick Foligno22
20:00End of 1st Period22