NHL Shot Chart
  • Shot on goal by Justin Braun saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Wade Allison credited with hit on Robert Thomas in offensive zone
  • Zack MacEwen credited with hit on Robert Bortuzzo in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Tony DeAngelo saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Shot on goal by Kevin Hayes saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Pavel Buchnevich shot blocked by Nick Seeler
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Pavel Buchnevich in defensive zone
  • Penalty to Nick Seeler 5 minutes for Fighting Brayden Schenn
  • Scott Laughton credited with hit on Colton Parayko in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Noah Cates saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Shot on goal by Travis Sanheim saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Penalty to Zack MacEwen 5 minutes for Fighting Robert Bortuzzo
  • Takeaway by Morgan Frost in neutral zone
  • Wade Allison credited with hit on Nick Leddy in offensive zone
  • Kevin Hayes credited with hit on Colton Parayko in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Owen Tippett saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Tony DeAngelo credited with hit on Jordan Kyrou in defensive zone
  • Pavel Buchnevich shot blocked by Travis Sanheim
  • Owen Tippett credited with hit on Jordan Kyrou in offensive zone
  • Wade Allison credited with hit on Niko Mikkola in offensive zone
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Robert Thomas in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Wade Allison saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Wade Allison credited with hit on Colton Parayko in defensive zone
  • Colton Parayko shot blocked by Wade Allison
  • Takeaway by Scott Laughton in defensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Scott Laughton saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Noah Cates credited with hit on Jake Neighbours in defensive zone
  • Lukas Sedlak credited with hit on Nick Leddy in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Travis Sanheim in defensive zone
  • Shot missed by Morgan Frost
  • Giveaway by Tony DeAngelo in defensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Joel Farabee saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Joel Farabee won faceoff against Ryan O'Reilly in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Nick Seeler saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Shot on goal by Rasmus Ristolainen saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Kevin Hayes won faceoff against Robert Thomas in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Ivan Provorov saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Shot missed by Travis Konecny
  • Shot missed by Travis Sanheim
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Brayden Schenn in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Rasmus Ristolainen in defensive zone
  • Torey Krug shot blocked by Rasmus Ristolainen
  • Scott Laughton credited with hit on Brayden Schenn in defensive zone
  • Colton Parayko shot blocked by Rasmus Ristolainen
  • Nicolas Deslauriers credited with hit on Ryan O'Reilly in defensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Travis Sanheim saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Shot missed by Kevin Hayes
  • Shot on goal by Tony DeAngelo saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Shot on goal by Ivan Provorov saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Shot missed by Wade Allison
  • Nick Seeler credited with hit on Alexey Toropchenko in defensive zone
  • Zack MacEwen credited with hit on Colton Parayko in defensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Travis Konecny saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Shot missed by Kevin Hayes
  • Shot on goal by Travis Konecny saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Joel Farabee won faceoff against Brayden Schenn in offensive zone
  • Shot missed by Scott Laughton
  • Shot on goal by Travis Sanheim saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Zack MacEwen credited with hit on Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone
  • Takeaway by Kevin Hayes in neutral zone
  • Giveaway by Joel Farabee in defensive zone
  • Nick Leddy shot blocked by Joel Farabee
  • Wade Allison credited with hit on Robert Thomas in defensive zone
  • Logan Brown shot blocked by Nick Seeler
  • Zack MacEwen credited with hit on Niko Mikkola in defensive zone
  • Rasmus Ristolainen credited with hit on Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone
  • Shot on goal by Justin Braun saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Kevin Hayes won faceoff against Brayden Schenn in offensive zone
  • Giveaway by Tony DeAngelo in defensive zone
  • Pavel Buchnevich shot blocked by Tony DeAngelo
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Robert Thomas in defensive zone
  • Rasmus Ristolainen credited with hit on Logan Brown in defensive zone
  • Penalty to Zack MacEwen 2 minutes for High Sticking Ivan Barbashev
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Brayden Schenn in defensive zone
  • Takeaway by Ivan Provorov in defensive zone
  • Lukas Sedlak credited with hit on Niko Mikkola in offensive zone
  • Justin Faulk shot blocked by Justin Braun
  • Takeaway by Tanner Laczynski in offensive zone
  • Nicolas Deslauriers credited with hit on Alexey Toropchenko in neutral zone
  • Goal scored by Wade Allison assisted by Ivan Provorov and Joel Farabee
  • Giveaway by Felix Sandstrom in defensive zone
  • Takeaway by Joel Farabee in defensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Wade Allison saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Shot missed by Justin Braun
  • Zack MacEwen credited with hit on Niko Mikkola in defensive zone
  • Morgan Frost won faceoff against Ryan O'Reilly in neutral zone
  • Tanner Laczynski credited with hit on Ryan O'Reilly in offensive zone
  • Kevin Hayes won faceoff against Robert Thomas in neutral zone
  • Torey Krug shot blocked by Justin Braun
  • Giveaway by Owen Tippett in defensive zone
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Brayden Schenn in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Tony DeAngelo saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Brayden Schenn in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Ivan Provorov saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Shot missed by Noah Cates
  • Travis Konecny won faceoff against Jake Neighbours in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Owen Tippett in defensive zone
  • Travis Konecny credited with hit on Jake Neighbours in defensive zone
  • Goal scored by Travis Konecny assisted by Owen Tippett and Kevin Hayes
  • Giveaway by Ivan Provorov in defensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Lukas Sedlak saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Giveaway by Justin Braun in defensive zone
  • Nicolas Deslauriers credited with hit on Niko Mikkola in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Kevin Hayes saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Robert Thomas in offensive zone
  • Penalty to Owen Tippett 2 minutes for Tripping Robert Thomas
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Robert Thomas in offensive zone
  • Takeaway by Scott Laughton in offensive zone
  • Goal scored by Noah Cates assisted by Travis Sanheim and Scott Laughton
  • Tony DeAngelo credited with hit on Justin Faulk in defensive zone
  • Shot missed by Owen Tippett
  • Morgan Frost won faceoff against Brayden Schenn in defensive zone
  • Nicolas Deslauriers credited with hit on Robert Bortuzzo in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Nicolas Deslauriers in defensive zone
  • Rasmus Ristolainen credited with hit on Niko Mikkola in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Lukas Sedlak in defensive zone
  • Colton Parayko shot blocked by Rasmus Ristolainen
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Robert Thomas in defensive zone
  • Torey Krug shot blocked by Justin Braun
  • Colton Parayko shot blocked by Travis Sanheim
  • Kevin Hayes credited with hit on Colton Parayko in neutral zone
  • Shot on goal by Tony DeAngelo saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Wade Allison credited with hit on Colton Parayko in offensive zone
  • Travis Sanheim credited with hit on Jordan Kyrou in neutral zone
  • Giveaway by Scott Laughton in defensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Scott Laughton saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Goal scored by Lukas Sedlak assisted by Nick Seeler and Noah Cates
  • Morgan Frost credited with hit on Noel Acciari in offensive zone
  • Shot missed by Justin Braun
  • Nicolas Deslauriers credited with hit on Colton Parayko in defensive zone
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Robert Thomas in defensive zone
  • Justin Faulk shot blocked by Wade Allison
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Brayden Schenn in defensive zone
  • Shot missed by Scott Laughton
  • Wade Allison credited with hit on Torey Krug in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Travis Konecny saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Takeaway by Morgan Frost in offensive zone
  • Ivan Provorov credited with hit on Ivan Barbashev in defensive zone
  • Scott Laughton won faceoff against Brayden Schenn in defensive zone
  • Pavel Buchnevich shot blocked by Nick Seeler
  • Shot on goal by Owen Tippett saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Takeaway by Travis Konecny in neutral zone
  • Ivan Provorov credited with hit on Noel Acciari in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Felix Sandstrom in defensive zone
  • Morgan Frost credited with hit on Jordan Kyrou in defensive zone
  • Justin Faulk shot blocked by Nick Seeler
  • Shot on goal by Lukas Sedlak saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Shot on goal by Scott Laughton saved by Thomas Greiss
  • Shot missed by Tony DeAngelo
  • Zack MacEwen credited with hit on Ryan O'Reilly in defensive zone
  • Nick Leddy shot blocked by Tony DeAngelo
  • Takeaway by Noah Cates in defensive zone
  • Goal scored by Owen Tippett assisted by Travis Konecny
  • Colton Parayko credited with hit on Owen Tippett in defensive zone
  • Brayden Schenn credited with hit on Owen Tippett in defensive zone
  • Colton Parayko credited with hit on Wade Allison in defensive zone
  • Ivan Provorov shot blocked by Ryan O'Reilly
  • Robert Bortuzzo credited with hit on Lukas Sedlak in defensive zone
  • Penalty to Brayden Schenn 5 minutes for Fighting Nick Seeler
  • Vladimir Tarasenko credited with hit on Wade Allison in neutral zone
  • Ivan Provorov shot blocked by Justin Faulk
  • Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Noah Cates in defensive zone
  • Penalty to Robert Bortuzzo 5 minutes for Fighting Zack MacEwen
  • Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Noah Cates in defensive zone
  • Justin Faulk credited with hit on Lukas Sedlak in defensive zone
  • Noel Acciari won faceoff against Kevin Hayes in defensive zone
  • Nick Leddy credited with hit on Travis Konecny in defensive zone
  • Noel Acciari credited with hit on Owen Tippett in defensive zone
  • Noel Acciari credited with hit on Travis Konecny in defensive zone
  • Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Kevin Hayes in defensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Ryan O'Reilly saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Owen Tippett shot blocked by Jordan Kyrou
  • Shot on goal by Torey Krug saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Shot missed by Niko Mikkola
  • Shot missed by Vladimir Tarasenko
  • Shot missed by Robert Thomas
  • Shot on goal by Nick Leddy saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Noel Acciari won faceoff against Morgan Frost in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Jordan Kyrou saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Giveaway by Thomas Greiss in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Ryan O'Reilly in defensive zone
  • Owen Tippett shot blocked by Niko Mikkola
  • Noel Acciari credited with hit on Zack MacEwen in defensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Jordan Kyrou saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Shot missed by Brayden Schenn
  • Shot missed by Pavel Buchnevich
  • Giveaway by Torey Krug in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Ivan Barbashev saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Shot on goal by Justin Faulk saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Robert Thomas won faceoff against Noah Cates in offensive zone
  • Torey Krug credited with hit on Lukas Sedlak in defensive zone
  • Noel Acciari won faceoff against Scott Laughton in defensive zone
  • Noel Acciari credited with hit on Nick Seeler in defensive zone
  • Alexey Toropchenko credited with hit on Joel Farabee in neutral zone
  • Logan Brown credited with hit on Justin Braun in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Logan Brown saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Robert Thomas won faceoff against Kevin Hayes in defensive zone
  • Logan Brown credited with hit on Noah Cates in defensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Logan Brown saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Shot on goal by Robert Bortuzzo saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Noah Cates in offensive zone
  • Alexey Toropchenko credited with hit on Rasmus Ristolainen in offensive zone
  • Morgan Frost shot blocked by Colton Parayko
  • Giveaway by Justin Faulk in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Nick Leddy in defensive zone
  • Alexey Toropchenko credited with hit on Travis Sanheim in defensive zone
  • Nick Leddy credited with hit on Travis Konecny in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Jordan Kyrou in defensive zone
  • Robert Bortuzzo credited with hit on Lukas Sedlak in offensive zone
  • Shot missed by Logan Brown
  • Shot on goal by Ryan O'Reilly saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Takeaway by Torey Krug in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Brayden Schenn saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Shot on goal by Ryan O'Reilly saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Lukas Sedlak in offensive zone
  • Shot missed by Ivan Barbashev
  • Shot missed by Justin Faulk
  • Shot on goal by Jordan Kyrou saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Robert Thomas won faceoff against Kevin Hayes in offensive zone
  • Brayden Schenn won faceoff against Noah Cates in neutral zone
  • Noel Acciari won faceoff against Noah Cates in offensive zone
  • Rasmus Ristolainen shot blocked by Noel Acciari
  • Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Scott Laughton in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Colton Parayko in defensive zone
  • Shot missed by Nick Leddy
  • Shot missed by Vladimir Tarasenko
  • Shot missed by Brandon Saad
  • Jake Neighbours credited with hit on Lukas Sedlak in offensive zone
  • Shot missed by Robert Thomas
  • Kevin Hayes shot blocked by Torey Krug
  • Brayden Schenn won faceoff against Scott Laughton in defensive zone
  • Shot missed by Niko Mikkola
  • Robert Bortuzzo credited with hit on Lukas Sedlak in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Noel Acciari saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Noel Acciari credited with hit on Rasmus Ristolainen in offensive zone
  • Colton Parayko credited with hit on Joel Farabee in offensive zone
  • Niko Mikkola credited with hit on Ivan Provorov in defensive zone
  • Brayden Schenn won faceoff against Lukas Sedlak in defensive zone
  • Zack MacEwen shot blocked by Niko Mikkola
  • Niko Mikkola credited with hit on Noah Cates in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Brayden Schenn in defensive zone
  • Penalty to Vladimir Tarasenko 2 minutes for High Sticking Rasmus Ristolainen
  • Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Scott Laughton in defensive zone
  • Takeaway by Robert Thomas in defensive zone
  • Brayden Schenn won faceoff against Scott Laughton in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Jordan Kyrou saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Scott Laughton shot blocked by Colton Parayko
  • Shot missed by Jordan Kyrou
  • Shot on goal by Vladimir Tarasenko saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Shot on goal by Brayden Schenn saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Robert Thomas won faceoff against Lukas Sedlak in offensive zone
  • Shot missed by Torey Krug
  • Shot on goal by Pavel Buchnevich saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Robert Thomas won faceoff against Scott Laughton in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Vladimir Tarasenko saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Shot missed by Brayden Schenn
  • Shot on goal by Ivan Barbashev saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Kevin Hayes in offensive zone
  • Colton Parayko credited with hit on Owen Tippett in defensive zone
  • Takeaway by Ivan Barbashev in defensive zone
  • Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Travis Konecny in defensive zone
  • Goal scored by Ryan O'Reilly assisted by Ivan Barbashev and Nick Leddy
  • Shot on goal by Brayden Schenn saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Vladimir Tarasenko credited with hit on Rasmus Ristolainen in offensive zone
  • Noel Acciari credited with hit on Nicolas Deslauriers in neutral zone
  • Shot on goal by Ryan O'Reilly saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Shot missed by Ivan Barbashev
  • Giveaway by Torey Krug in neutral zone
  • Takeaway by Torey Krug in defensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Robert Thomas saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Robert Thomas won faceoff against Scott Laughton in offensive zone
  • Shot missed by Brandon Saad
  • Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Noah Cates in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Vladimir Tarasenko saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Justin Faulk credited with hit on Travis Konecny in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Robert Thomas in defensive zone
  • Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Morgan Frost in defensive zone
  • Noel Acciari credited with hit on Travis Sanheim in defensive zone
  • Ivan Barbashev credited with hit on Ivan Provorov in offensive zone
  • Ryan O'Reilly credited with hit on Morgan Frost in offensive zone
  • Shot on goal by Nick Leddy saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Shot missed by Ryan O'Reilly
  • Shot on goal by Colton Parayko saved by Felix Sandstrom
  • Brayden Schenn won faceoff against Scott Laughton in offensive zone
  • Giveaway by Torey Krug in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Brandon Saad in offensive zone
  • Giveaway by Colton Parayko in defensive zone
  • Jordan Kyrou credited with hit on Nick Seeler in offensive zone
  • Niko Mikkola credited with hit on Zack MacEwen in defensive zone
  • Giveaway by Pavel Buchnevich in neutral zone
  • Robert Thomas won faceoff against Scott Laughton in offensive zone
0:00Start of 1st period00
0:00Brayden Schenn won faceoff against Kevin Hayes in neutral zone00
0:33Colton Parayko credited with hit on Owen Tippett in defensive zone00
0:37Shot on goal by Justin Braun saved by Thomas Greiss00
0:41Brayden Schenn credited with hit on Owen Tippett in defensive zone00
0:42Colton Parayko credited with hit on Wade Allison in defensive zone00
1:02Wade Allison credited with hit on Robert Thomas in offensive zone00
1:59Zack MacEwen credited with hit on Robert Bortuzzo in offensive zone00
2:16Ivan Provorov shot blocked by Ryan O'Reilly00
2:23Robert Bortuzzo credited with hit on Lukas Sedlak in defensive zone00
2:31Shot on goal by Tony DeAngelo saved by Thomas Greiss00
3:12Shot on goal by Kevin Hayes saved by Thomas Greiss00
3:26Pavel Buchnevich shot blocked by Nick Seeler00
3:26Stoppage - Puck in Netting00
3:26Scott Laughton won faceoff against Pavel Buchnevich in defensive zone00
3:39Penalty to Brayden Schenn 5 minutes for Fighting Nick Seeler00
3:39Penalty to Nick Seeler 5 minutes for Fighting Brayden Schenn00
3:39Robert Thomas won faceoff against Scott Laughton in neutral zone00
3:52Vladimir Tarasenko credited with hit on Wade Allison in neutral zone00
3:59Scott Laughton credited with hit on Colton Parayko in offensive zone00
4:11Ivan Provorov shot blocked by Justin Faulk00
4:15Shot on goal by Noah Cates saved by Thomas Greiss00
4:29Shot on goal by Travis Sanheim saved by Thomas Greiss00
4:29Stoppage - Goalie Stopped (after SOG)00
4:29Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Noah Cates in defensive zone00
4:30Penalty to Robert Bortuzzo 5 minutes for Fighting Zack MacEwen00
4:30Penalty to Zack MacEwen 5 minutes for Fighting Robert Bortuzzo00
4:30Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Noah Cates in defensive zone00
4:41Justin Faulk credited with hit on Lukas Sedlak in defensive zone00
5:35Takeaway by Morgan Frost in neutral zone00
5:42Wade Allison credited with hit on Nick Leddy in offensive zone00
5:51Stoppage - Icing00
5:51Noel Acciari won faceoff against Kevin Hayes in defensive zone00
6:01Nick Leddy credited with hit on Travis Konecny in defensive zone00
6:03Noel Acciari credited with hit on Owen Tippett in defensive zone00
6:06Kevin Hayes credited with hit on Colton Parayko in offensive zone00
6:07Noel Acciari credited with hit on Travis Konecny in defensive zone00
6:08Shot on goal by Owen Tippett saved by Thomas Greiss00
6:09Stoppage - Goalie Stopped (after SOG)00
6:09Ryan O'Reilly won faceoff against Kevin Hayes in defensive zone00
6:15Tony DeAngelo credited with hit on Jordan Kyrou in defensive zone00
6:17Shot on goal by Ryan O'Reilly saved by Felix Sandstrom00
6:20Pavel Buchnevich shot blocked by Travis Sanheim00
6:34Owen Tippett shot blocked by Jordan Kyrou00
6:35Owen Tippett credited with hit on Jordan Kyrou in offensive zone00
6:49Shot on goal by Torey Krug saved by Felix Sandstrom00
7:06Wade Allison credited with hit on Niko Mikkola in offensive zone00
7:10Stoppage - Icing00
7:10Scott Laughton won faceoff against Robert Thomas in offensive zone00
7:15Shot on goal by Wade Allison saved by Thomas Greiss00
7:28Shot missed by Niko Mikkola00
7:31Wade Allison credited with hit on Colton Parayko in defensive zone00
7:42Colton Parayko shot blocked by Wade Allison00
7:53Shot missed by Vladimir Tarasenko00
7:55Shot missed by Robert Thomas00
8:10Takeaway by Scott Laughton in defensive zone00
8:16Shot on goal by Scott Laughton saved by Thomas Greiss00
8:51Noah Cates credited with hit on Jake Neighbours in defensive zone00
8:53Lukas Sedlak credited with hit on Nick Leddy in defensive zone00
8:56Giveaway by Travis Sanheim in defensive zone00
8:57Shot on goal by Nick Leddy saved by Felix Sandstrom00
8:58Stoppage - Goalie Stopped (after SOG)00
8:58Noel Acciari won faceoff against Morgan Frost in offensive zone00
9:27Shot missed by Morgan Frost00
9:47Shot on goal by Jordan Kyrou saved by Felix Sandstrom00
10:05Giveaway by Tony DeAngelo in defensive zone00
10:37Giveaway by Thomas Greiss in defensive zone00
10:56Shot on goal by Joel Farabee saved by Thomas Greiss00
10:56Stoppage - Goalie Stopped (after SOG)00
10:56Joel Farabee won faceoff against Ryan O'Reilly in offensive zone00
11:11Shot on goal by Nick Seeler saved by Thomas Greiss00
11:13Giveaway by Ryan O'Reilly in defensive zone00
11:15Shot on goal by Rasmus Ristolainen saved by Thomas Greiss00
11:16Stoppage - Goalie Stopped (after SOG)00
11:16Kevin Hayes won faceoff against Robert Thomas in offensive zone00
11:27Shot on goal by Ivan Provorov saved by Thomas Greiss00
11:49Shot missed by Travis Konecny00
11:56Owen Tippett shot blocked by Niko Mikkola00
12:49Shot missed by Travis Sanheim00
12:50Noel Acciari credited with hit on Zack MacEwen in defensive zone00
13:09Shot on goal by Jordan Kyrou saved by Felix Sandstrom00
13:15Shot missed by Brayden Schenn00
13:15Stoppage - Puck Frozen00
13:15Scott Laughton won faceoff against Brayden Schenn in defensive zone00
13:19Giveaway by Rasmus Ristolainen in defensive zone00
13:47Torey Krug shot blocked by Rasmus Ristolainen00
13:48Shot missed by Pavel Buchnevich00
14:05Scott Laughton credited with hit on Brayden Schenn in defensive zone00
14:11Colton Parayko shot blocked by Rasmus Ristolainen00
14:25Giveaway by Torey Krug in offensive zone00
15:00Nicolas Deslauriers credited with hit on Ryan O'Reilly in defensive zone00
15:06Shot on goal by Ivan Barbashev saved by Felix Sandstrom00
15:36Shot on goal by Justin Faulk saved by Felix Sandstrom00
15:36Stoppage - Goalie Stopped (after SOG)00
15:36Robert Thomas won faceoff against Noah Cates in offensive zone00
15:50Torey Krug credited with hit on Lukas Sedlak in defensive zone00
15:53Shot on goal by Travis Sanheim saved by Thomas Greiss00
16:20Shot missed by Kevin Hayes00
16:24Shot on goal by Tony DeAngelo saved by Thomas Greiss00
16:47Shot on goal by Ivan Provorov saved by Thomas Greiss00
16:48Stoppage - Goalie Stopped (after SOG)00
16:48Noel Acciari won faceoff against Scott Laughton in defensive zone00
16:58Shot missed by Wade Allison00
17:00Noel Acciari credited with hit on Nick Seeler in defensive zone00
17:15Nick Seeler credited with hit on Alexey Toropchenko in defensive zone00
17:33Alexey Toropchenko credited with hit on Joel Farabee in neutral zone00
17:44Logan Brown credited with hit on Justin Braun in offensive zone00
17:51Zack MacEwen credited with hit on Colton Parayko in defensive zone00
18:12Shot on goal by Logan Brown saved by Felix Sandstrom00
18:30Shot on goal by Travis Konecny saved by Thomas Greiss00
18:30Stoppage - Goalie Stopped (after SOG)00
18:30Robert Thomas won faceoff against Kevin Hayes in defensive zone00
18:45Shot missed by Kevin Hayes00
18:50Shot on goal by Travis Konecny saved by Thomas Greiss00
18:51Stoppage - Goalie Stopped (after SOG)00
18:51Joel Farabee won faceoff against Brayden Schenn in offensive zone00
19:25Shot missed by Scott Laughton00
19:28Shot on goal by Travis Sanheim saved by Thomas Greiss00
19:44Logan Brown credited with hit on Noah Cates in defensive zone00
19:52Zack MacEwen credited with hit on Ivan Barbashev in neutral zone00
19:53Shot on goal by Logan Brown saved by Felix Sandstrom00
20:00End of 1st period00