2336dThe Report by Sidharth Monga

Henriques masterminds unlikely NSW win

On a sluggish track built to suck all skill out of cricket, Moises Henqirues found plenty of it to help New South Wales first to an improbable tie and then a win through the Super Over

Match Centre


Best performances - Batsmen

LMP Simmons
LMP Simmons
41(39) 5x4 - 0x6
Control %78%
  • Productive Shot
  • on side drive on front foot
  • 11 runs
  • 2x4 - 0x6
4 0 13 6 2 2 11 3
DA Warner
DA Warner
38(36) 6x4 - 0x6
  • Productive Shot
  • cut shot on back foot
  • 13 runs
  • 3x4 - 0x6
0 0 14 6 11 0 6 1

Best performances - Bowlers

S Ganga
SP Narine
SP Narine

Match Details


Trinidad & Tobago , elected to bat first

Player Of The Match


Hours of play (local time)

16.00 start, First Session 16.00-17.20, Interval 17.20-17.40, Second Session 17.40-19.00

Match days

28 September 2011 - day/night match (20-over match)

TV Umpires

Reserve Umpire

Match Referee


New South Wales 2, Trinidad & Tobago 0

Scorer: S Balasubramanian | Commentator: Nitin Sundar

20 | 16 Runs | NSW: 139/8 (1 run required, RR: 6.95)

  • Pat Cummins7 (3b)
  • Moises Henriques18 (9b)
  • Ravi Rampaul4-0-42-1
  • Sunil Narine4-0-26-2

Boy, there's smoke coming out of my fingers with all that typing in the end overs. Rampaul completely lost the plot in that over, the lines were too straight. Three fours resulted, and NSW have given themselves a huge outside chance.

"If i ask Darren Ganga nicely do you reckon he'll let Rampaul bowl the Super Over?" Gareth, that would be risky!

Revisiting the Super Over rules: One bowler to bowl for each side. Three batsmen allowed for each side, ie two wickets. NSW to bat first. Mozzie to face, Rampaul has the ball. Round the stumps, with fine leg up! Warner is the non-striker.

1st ball Rampaul to Henriques, dot: Full and fast outside off, that's the line he wanted in the 20th over! Mozzie can't get bat on it.

2nd ball Rampaul to Henriques, 2: Full outside off again, Mozzie mistimes the heave down to long on and charges back for the second! I can't believe he came back for that, and I can't believe Bravo threw so shoddily. Run out at either end, and he lands it wide of the keeper.

3rd ball Rampaul to Henriques, 4: Full toss! Full toss! Rampaul's given Mozzie a gift, and Mozzie has said thank you very much, I'll sit at the midwicket fence and eat it up. Absolutely murdered over midwicket. Should Badree have bowled this over?

4th ball Rampaul to Henriques, 4: This is murder from Mozzie! He hangs back in the crease and carves a full ball past the diving backward point fielder. Four more!

5th ball Rampaul to Henriques, 4: Mid-on inside the circle! Midwicket inside the circle! Length ball on middle and leg. What are you doing T&T?! Mozzie doesn't mind at all, he drop-kicks the ball over mid-on for four more! Now deep square leg moves to long on. Fine leg still in the circle.

6th ball Rampaul to Henriques, 4: And where does Mozzie hit it? He sends it through square leg! What a legend. He shuffles across to middle, gets inside the line and whips with supreme wrists through the gap that just opened. Four more. They have finished with 18! NSW are favourites now. Who will bowl?

Barath, Simmons and Bravo are T&T's batsmen. Steve O' Keefe to bowl. They are bowling the spinner, and will it work? Bravo can hit with the spin over the leg side. T&T need 19 off six balls to win this. If they get 18, the team with more sixes in the Super Over will win it. Barath and Simmons to face, Bravo came out initially, but he's been asked to go back in, I suspect since the initial order mentioned was this.

1st ball O'Keefe to Simmons: 1, full on off stump, well bowled O'Keefe. Simmons comes out and drills through the covers for a single.

2nd ball O'Keefe to Barath: 1, full again from Stevie, Barath has width outside off and goes up and up, but there is protection at deep cover.

3rd ball O'Keefe to Simmons: 2, NSW are taking the win here! He again cramps the right hander with a full ball, and Simmons manages to run back for a second run after dragging to long-on.

4th ball O'Keefe to Simmons: Six! What a bonkers, absolutely madcap match! Simmons gets under a length ball and muscles it over wide long-on for a biggie! If the scores are level, T&T win!

5th ball O'Keefe to Simmons: Wide. O'Keefe lands this miles outside off. He's losing it too. Pressure!

5th ball O'Keefe to Simmons: 4, Misfield! What a time to misfield at deep square leg. It is that young boy, Cummins, has he ever been under so much pressure? Simmons hustles across and lashes it square, but that should have been saved as Cummins tumbled.

6th ball O'Keefe to Simmons: Out! NSW have won the game! He needed a four to win, even a 3 would have been enough. But Simmons looked for a huge lofted drive down the ground, but he couldn't get enough under it. He launches it straight to that man, Warner at long-off. And this time he doesn't miss it. What a game! What heartbreak for T&T.

Ankit: "And someone was hearing the C word for Wales... Must say C was for "Champions" and it was "Cruel" for T&T"

"I'll say it again: This tournament is redeeming T20 cricket of its past monotony. It has provided cricket aficiandos with everything they could ask for: low scoring thrillers, classy batting, back-from-the-dead victories, tail-end over-midwicket heaves. And it has only been a few days." Yes Karn, and I must say the slow pitches are making for some very exciting cricket.

Presentation time. If I were Ganga, I'd be in tears.

Mozzie is the Man of the Match, and you're watching the wrong sport if you guessed anyone else. "This has not sunk in yet. Happy to keep NSW in the competition. This wicket suited my type of bowling, banging it in and hitting the toe of the bat. While batting, it was just about watching the ball. I have committed the mistake of thinking too much in the past, and this time I just wanted to watch the ball."

Katich: "Henriques was fantastic with the bat, he was just magnificent under pressure. No way we wanted to leave our charge for that late, but credit to how Trinidad bowled and fielded. We went the other way in the end with O'Keefe taking the pace off the ball, it was risky but it came off."

Ganga: "We backed Rampaul to defend those runs in the last over, but he got a couple of full tosses and we ended up on the wronf side. 140 on a surface like this, we backed our boys to win this with the spinners we had. It went down to Henriques in the end. Difficult for us to end up on the losing end, but credit to NSW."

What a man, Mozzie! Says he was trying not to think too much, and yet he was finding the gaps in the field like sand poured into a jar filled with stones would. Pardon my similes, it has been a frenetic game. So long all, do hop across to the other tab to watch what was initially billed as the bigger game of the day - CSK v Cobras. This is Nitin Sundar signing off from this thriller. And as John Travolta said in Pulp Fiction: "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go home and have a heart attack." Cheers.

Rampaul to Cummins, 1 run, Full ball on middle and leg, Cummins can't get under it, and nudges it to the leg side. Deja vu so far! Unlike the other time, this is completely mistimed and it doesn't go out of the circle. No way they can come back for the second. They don't. The fielder lobs it back to the keeper. Fasten your seatbelts, it is Super Over time!

Will Ganga push the field back? Will he play for the tie? Will he play for the win? Another heart-stopper!

Rampaul to Cummins, FOUR, the third four of the over! Deja vu for T&T. 2 needed off the last ball again! Length from Rampaul, Cummins opens up the leg side and lashes it wide of mid-on. Not too well-timed, he runs back all the way, deep midwicket runs across too. This man dives, that man slides, the ball beats both!

6 needed off 2.

Rampaul to Cummins, 2 runs, low full toss outside off, Cummins connects well and gets it to long off. And they run back for the second! Mozzie trusts the kiddo!

Fine leg in the circle. 8 needed off 3. Round the stumps.

Rampaul to Henriques, 1 run, Ramps gets it right now, near yorker well wide of off stump and Mozzie scythes to deep cover. Can he get back for two? No! Can Cummins bat? We'll know soon.
Rampaul to Henriques, FOUR, what's happening here? There's a man at square leg now, but still Rampaul had to get this outside off. He didn't. Mozzie stayed back on the crease, in line with off stump and whipped beautifully behind square for four more. Another thriller. Oh my!
Rampaul to Henriques, FOUR, Mozzie gets four! The leg side is completely empty barring long on. Rampaul wanted to angle it across, but lost the line and ended up delivering it on middle and off. Mozzie whips it through the vast vacancy at square leg for four.

Cummins walks in. 17 needed off 6. Rampaul to bowl.

NSW 2nd innings Partnerships

1st48SR WatsonDA Warner
2nd17DLR SmithDA Warner
3rd7SM KatichDLR Smith
4th18SM KatichSPD Smith
5th12SM KatichBJ Rohrer
6th8SM KatichMC Henriques
7th5SNJ O'KeefeMC Henriques
8th8MC HenriquesMA Starc
9th16MC HenriquesPJ Cummins

Champions League Twenty20

Group A
Group B
Qualifying Tournament Pool A
Qualifying Tournament Pool B