1Gethin Jenkins, P
5Luke Charteris, L
2Ken Owens, H
4Bradley Davies, L
9Rhys Webb, SH
6Dan Lydiate, FL
7Justin Tipuric, FL
3Samson Lee, P
8Ross Moriarty, -
15Leigh Halfpenny, FB
14Alex Cuthbert, W
13Scott Williams, C
12Jamie Roberts, C
11George North, W
10Dan Biggar, FH
16Scott Baldwin, -
17Nicky Smith, -
18Tomas Francis, -
19Cory Hill, -
20James King, -
21Gareth Davies, -
22Sam Davies, -
23Hallam Amos, -

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Principality Stadium
6:30 PM, November 4, 2016
Attendance: 55,776

Match Commentary

81'Attendance at the Principality Stadium today was 55,776.
81'+18-32 End of second half
80'Wales on the attack right at the death but Halfpenny knocks on and that's full time.
78'Bernard Foley is awarded man of the match. The out-half has torn Wales to pieces particularly in the first 40.
77'Player substituted - Henry Speight , Australia
77'Substitute on - Sefa Naivalu , Australia
77'Player substituted - Bernard Foley , Australia
77'Substitute on - Quade Cooper , Australia
77'Player substituted - Stephen Moore , Australia
77'Substitute on - Tolu Latu , Australia
77'8-32 Conversion - Bernard Foley , Australia
76'Interception from Dane Haylett-Petty who pounces on a loose pass from Sam Davies to race under the stick for the try.
76'8-30 Try - Dane Haylett-Petty , Australia
75'Outstanding last ditch defense by replacement scrum half Nick Frisby there to prevent the try. Australia win the lineout and clear their lines.
75'Substitute on - Rory Arnold , Australia
75'Player substituted - Adam Coleman , Australia
74'Wales battering away at the try line but the Wallabies defense somehow holds strong. Hallam Amos put into space down the left hand side and dives for the line. Nick Frisby covers across with a tremendous cover tackle to take him into touch. Joubert goes to the TMO.
71'Tomas Francis has demolished James Slipper at scrum time with Wales 5 metres out. The home side are looking to hammer home their advantage in the set piece as they opt for another scrum from the resulting penalty.
69'Brilliant set piece move from Wales see's Cuthbert burst clear. Haylett-Petty drags him down 5 metres short. Wales piling the pressure on the Wallabies try line now.
69'Player substituted - Dan Lydiate , Wales
69'Substitute on - James King , Wales
68'Player substituted - Scott Sio , Australia
68'Substitute on - James Slipper , Australia
67'Player substituted - Nick Phipps , Australia
67'Substitute on - Nick Frisby , Australia
65'Substitute on - Gareth Davies , Wales
65'Player substituted - Rhys Webb , Wales
65'Substitute on - Sam Davies , Wales
65'Player substituted - Dan Biggar , Wales
64'Wales have a new lease of life as they turn Australia over in the middle of the park. On comes Sam Davies who will provide some excitement for rugby fans the World over. The Ospreys fly half was the Junior player of the year in 2013, beating out Ardie Savea and Jack Clifford.
64'Substitute on - Rob Simmons , Australia
64'Player substituted - Rory Arnold , Australia
64'Substitute on - Cory Hill , Wales
64'Player substituted - Bradley Davies , Wales
64'Substitute on - Allan Alaalatoa , Australia
64'Player substituted - Sekope Kepu , Australia
63'Fresh onto the pitch and Hallam Amos breathes life into the Welsh side as he breaks from half way and offloads to Rhys Webb. Scott Williams spots the space in behind, grubbers through and collects his own kick to score.
62'8-25 Try - Scott Williams , Wales
61'Player substituted - George North , Wales
61'Substitute on - Hallam Amos , Wales
59'Attacking opportunity for Wales now as Biggar puts them inside the Wallabies 22, but the ball is tied up in the resulting maul and Australia have the scrum.
59'Substitute on - Tomas Francis , Wales
59'Player substituted - Samson Lee , Wales
59'Player substituted - Gethin Jenkins , Wales
59'Substitute on - Nicky Smith , Wales
59'Player substituted - Ken Owens , Wales
59'Substitute on - Scott Baldwin , Wales
55'Turnover from the Wallabies as Stephen Moore pounces on a loose ball. Outstanding hands from the second row pairing to put Foley into space on the left hand side and the fly half races away for the score.
55'3-25 Try - Bernard Foley , Australia
54'Crunching tackle from Reece Hodge on Leigh Halfpenny who reads a Wales move perfectly.
51'Craig Joubert proves to Wales most effective defender as he gets in the way of an Australian set piece move.
49'Marked improvement in defense from Wales in this half. Admittedly Australia have been loose and are trying to force the game, as typified by Nick Phipps attempted out the back pass directly into touch.
46'Loose pass Foley and Wales come to life. Tipuric at the heart of everything good from Wales so far.
44'Errors from Wales at the start of this second half. They'll need to improve in every area if they are to get back into this match.
41'Wales get us back underway in the second half and kick deep. Australia try to play out before Phipps puts boot to ball and takes play inside the Welsh half.
41'Substitute on - Scott Fardy , Australia
41'Player substituted - David Pocock , Australia
41'+13-20 End of first half
40'Australia on the attack in the final few minutes but this time the Welsh defense holds strong as we head into the half-time break.
40'3-20 Start of second half
37'3-20 Conversion - Bernard Foley , Australia
35'Try time Wallabies! Foley distributes out the back to find Tevita Kuridrani who barges his way over. Too easy for Australia so far. Wales lucky to not be further behind.
35'3-18 Try - Tevita Kuridrani , Australia
33'The big up and under from Dan Bigger troubles the Wallabies as Foley fails to collect, but Jamie Roberts is penalised at the break down to let them off the hook.
30'30 minutes in and Wales finally have their first extended period of possession which leads to a penalty for offside. Halfpenny with a shot at goal to close the gap to 7 points.
27'Finally Australia convert. Reece Hodge bursts clear on the inside line, feeds Folau who gets on the outside and gives it back to Hodge for the score.
26'3-13 Try - Reece Hodge , Australia
24'Incredible amount of line breaks from Australia, this time Reece Hodge cuts through but a superb tackle from Halfpenny leads to a knock on. Not seen a Southern Hemisphere side be this poor at converting opportunities into points.
19'Wales trying to exit but Australia keep the pressure on. Halfpenny eventually finds touch just outside the 22. The Wallabies tear through the Welsh defense off the lineout, Foley puts Haylett-Petty through for a clear try but he knocks on! Let off for Rob Howley and Wales.
16'Foley again puts it into the corner as they look to hammer home the man advantage but this time Wales defend well and win a scrum.
16'Yellow card - Dan Biggar , Wales
15'Australia looking incredibly dangerous in attack again and a cynical tackle off the ball from Dan Biggar prevents Dane Haylett-Petty from going over for the try.
12'The resulting maul from Foley's kick to the corner leads to captain Stephen Moore burrow over for the try. It's been all Wallabies so far.
11'3-8 Try - Stephen Moore , Australia
10'Moriarty and Lydiate have put some crunching tackles in so far as they seek to halt wave after wave of Australian attack. So far they have held them out but Foley kicks to the corner for an attacking lineout 5 metres out.
9'Australia have twice chipped over Cuthbert and both times it's worked. They're on the attack deep inside Wales 22 once again and getting their offloading game going.
7'3-3 Penalty goal - Leigh Halfpenny , Wales
6'Brilliant work from Gethin Jenkins at the break down as he wins his side a penalty from the kick off. Chance for Halfpenny to level the scores.
5'0-3 Penalty goal - Bernard Foley , Australia
3'The Wallabies enjoying much of the early possession, after solid defense from Wales, Foley finds Folau some space with a chip over the top. Wallabies deep inside the Wales 22 and win a penalty.
1'Australia get us underway in Cardiff. After a difficult 2016, the Wallabies will be wanting to finish the season with a tour grand slam. Wales are traditionally slow starters in the Autumn so plenty for both sides to prove.
1'Time for the anthems. It's a day for remembrance. Alun Wyn Jones father passed away recently, while Wales also remembers those who lost their lives in Aberfan 50 years ago.
1'The roof is open at the Principality Stadium. The Wallabies are out and here come Wales led by Gethin Jenkins
1'0-0 Start of first half