15Delon Armitage, FB
14Toby Arnold, W
13Theo Belan, C
12Thibaut Regard, C
11Alexis Palisson, W
10Lionel Beauxis, FH
9Baptiste Couilloud, SH
1Albertus Buckle, P
2Mickael Ivaldi, H
3Francisco Gomez Kodela, P
4Felix Lambey, L
5Hendrik Roodt, L
6Julien Puricelli, FL
7Deon Fourie, FL
8Virgile Bruni, N8
16Virgile Lacombe, R
17Alexandre Menini, R
18Etienne Oosthuizen, R
19Dylan Cretin, R
20Jonathan Pelissie, R
21Rudi Wulf, R
22Frederic Michalak, R
23Stephane Clement, R

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Matmut Stadium de Gerland
5:00 PM, October 28, 2017

Match Commentary

81'+2Substitute on - Rudi Wulf , Lyon
81'+2Player substituted - Theo Belan , Lyon
81'+2Player substituted - Rudi Wulf , Lyon
81'+2Substitute on - Theo Belan , Lyon
81'+252-18 End of second half
81'+252-18 Try - Curtis Browning , Oyonnax
78'52-13 Conversion - Lionel Beauxis , Lyon
77'50-13 Try - Dylan Cretin , Lyon
75'Player substituted - Baptiste Couilloud , Lyon
75'Substitute on - Jonathan Pelissie , Lyon
73'Player substituted - Quentin Etienne Lecoq , Oyonnax
73'Substitute on - Silvere Tian , Oyonnax
69'Substitute on - Frederic Michalak , Lyon
69'Player substituted - Virgile Bruni , Lyon
69'Substitute on - Ulupano Seuteni , Oyonnax
69'Player substituted - Mitch Inman , Oyonnax
68'45-13 Conversion - Lionel Beauxis , Lyon
67'43-13 Try - Delon Armitage , Lyon
66'Player substituted - Hoani Tui , Oyonnax
66'Substitute on - Pietro Ceccarelli , Oyonnax
63'38-13 Conversion - Lionel Beauxis , Lyon
62'36-13 Try - Etienne Oosthuizen , Lyon
61'Player substituted - Quentin MacDonald , Oyonnax
61'Substitute on - Benjamin Geledan , Oyonnax
61'Substitute on - Dylan Cretin , Lyon
61'Player substituted - Julien Puricelli , Lyon
61'Player substituted - Phoenix Battye , Oyonnax
61'Substitute on - Steven Sykes , Oyonnax
61'Yellow card - Quentin Etienne Lecoq , Oyonnax
59'Player substituted - Felix Lambey , Lyon
59'Substitute on - Etienne Oosthuizen , Lyon
59'Substitute on - Shay Kerry , Oyonnax
59'Player substituted - Valentin Ursache , Oyonnax
57'Player substituted - Francisco Gomez Kodela , Lyon
57'Substitute on - Stephane Clement , Lyon
57'Substitute on - Virgile Lacombe , Lyon
57'Player substituted - Mickael Ivaldi , Lyon
56'Player substituted - Theo Belan , Lyon
56'Substitute on - Rudi Wulf , Lyon
56'31-13 Conversion - Lionel Beauxis , Lyon
55'29-13 Try - Baptiste Couilloud , Lyon
52'24-13 Conversion - Lionel Beauxis , Lyon
51'22-13 Try - Toby Arnold , Lyon
50'Player substituted - Albertus Buckle , Lyon
50'Substitute on - Alexandre Menini , Lyon
49'17-13 Penalty goal - Jeremy Gondrand , Oyonnax
45'17-10 Penalty goal - Lionel Beauxis , Lyon
40'Substitute on - James Hall , Oyonnax
40'Player substituted - Ben Botica , Oyonnax
40'14-10 Start of second half
41'14-10 End of first half
39'Player substituted - Tommy Raynaud , Oyonnax
39'Substitute on - Khatchik Vartanov , Oyonnax
39'Yellow card - Felix Lambey , Lyon
37'14-10 Conversion - Lionel Beauxis , Lyon
36'12-10 Try - Baptiste Couilloud , Lyon
30'Yellow card - Valentin Ursache , Oyonnax
26'7-10 Conversion - Lionel Beauxis , Lyon
25'5-10 Try - Alexis Palisson , Lyon
21'0-10 Conversion - Ben Botica , Oyonnax
20'0-8 Try - Ben Botica , Oyonnax
18'0-3 Penalty goal - Ben Botica , Oyonnax
1'0-0 Start of first half