
Rolland wins WX Superpipe gold

In a suspenseful finish to the men's Superpipe finals at Winter X 15 on Friday night, Frenchman Kevin Rolland won his second straight Winter X SuperPipe gold medal. Aspen local Torin Yater-Wallace, 15, took silver to became the youngest Winter X medalist ever. Simon Dumont took bronze.

"I can't believe that," Rolland exclaimed. "It was my dream. It was my goal today, and now I have three gold medals." You could see the mist forming in the Frenchman's eyes.

On Dumont's first run, a brutal crash on the last hit sent a hush through the crowd and left many wondering whether he'd even make it back up for another run. But Dumont's legendary rival, Tanner Hall, knew better. "Dumont has one of the toughest mentals [sic]," Hall wrote in a live chat on ESPN.com shortly after the fall, "and he's built like an ox, so I'm sure he'll be fine."

On his second run, Dumont's run included a switch 9, double 12 and a double 9, earning him a leading score of 90.33.

That kept him in the lead until there were only four competitors remaining. Yater-Wallace's third run, which included a 1,260, a double 9 and an alley-oop double flatspin 9 netted him a score of 92.66 and vaulted him into first place for the moment. But Rolland's last run -- a double 9 to alley-oop flat 3 to switch 7 to switch 9 to double cork 12 -- earned him a 93.66, plenty to knock the rookie into second place.

The young Yater-Wallace's performance surprised everyone in the audience, but perhaps nobody more than himself. "I didn't really have a goal coming in," Yater-Wallace said after the contest. "This is way more than I ever could have imagined."

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