
Chris Walker asks for LeBron James' help

Chris Walker said he'd listen to LeBron James on where to go to college. David De Pas

Chris Walker knows that deciding where he wants to play in college will be one of the hardest decisions he’s ever made.

Walker, a junior forward at Holmes County (Bonifay, Fla.), is ranked No. 5 in the ESPNU60 and can pretty much go wherever he wants with Ohio State, Florida, Kansas, Louisville, Kentucky, Connecticut, Memphis and Syracuse all in hot pursuit.

“The whole recruiting process can be a little overwhelming at times,” Walker said. “So many great schools want me to come and play for them. It’s hard to decide.”

To make the impending decision easier, Walker took a shot in the dark and summoned the help of his favorite player LeBron James via Twitter posting: “@KingJames I’m a top 5 player in the country in class of 2013. Where should I go to college Mr. James?”

No response from James as of yet, but based off James’ rooting interests during the Ohio State-Duke game earlier this week, Walker thinks he can guess what James’ recommendation would be.

“I think he’d say I should go to Ohio State,” Walker said.

But would Walker listen?

“I probably would,” Walker said. “He’s my favorite player, and I would trust his judgment.”

Surprised? Don’t be, Walker is a die-hard LeBron James fan and watches Miami Heat games religiously. When they lost to the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals last season, Walker said he was probably more mad than the Heat because he wanted James to silence his critics.

“If LeBron hits me back and tells me where he thinks I should go, I’d do it,” Walker said. “In my opinion, he’s the best player in the league and I really look up to him. Plus, he’s the King. Gotta listen to the King, right?”

And the loyal subject awaits.

Jason Jordan is the basketball editor for ESPNHS. He can be reached at jason.x.jordan.-ND@espn.com. Don't forget to follow him on Twitter: @JayJayESPN