
Q&A with Spurs forward Kyle Anderson

San Antonio Spurs second-year player Kyle Anderson is in Las Vegas, a place he's not a big fan of, for summer league. Melissa Majchrzak/NBAE via Getty Images

LAS VEGAS -- Kyle Anderson just finished up his second season with the San Antonio Spurs. Anderson, the 30th pick of the 2014 draft, is here for the summer league that runs through July 18. Our Q&A follows:

What’s the one thing you’ve learned so far being a pro?

One thing I’ve learned as far as being a pro is it’s as much off the court as it is on the court as far as eating, sleeping, getting your rest, treatment. That stuff is almost just as important as it is to go out there and score 20 or have a good game. I would say off the court as much as on the court.

First thing you bought after getting a contract?

It’s weird. I really don’t know because I haven’t made any big purchases. I didn’t do that.

What do you do in Las Vegas during your free time?

Just hang out with my family, go out to eat. I’m not a big gambler, and I’m not a big partier. I don’t really like Las Vegas.

What is going to be your song after scoring in games?

Juvenile’s "Slow Motion." Slow motion for me [laughs].

More surprising: Kevin Durant to Golden State or Dwyane Wade to the Bulls?

I would say Wade to Chicago is more surprising to me; just because of all the success he’s had in Miami. He stayed with them through good times and bad times. So you’d never think you’d see him leave having such a legacy, seeing Timmy [Duncan] staying with a team 18 years, seeing Dirk [Nowitzki] have so much success and staying with a team. So you’d think D-Wade would be one of those guys. But you can’t knock his decision.