Match Centre


Hello All, welcome to Cricinfo's coverage of second ODI between India A and South Africa A. As it has become a habit in this series, rain has cast a dominating shadow on the proceedings.

Overnight showers in Baroda have virtually ruled out a scheduled start. According to the sources at ground, a pitch inspection is scheduled at 11:00 am. The outfield and the bowler's run up on either side is soggy.

11:05 am: There will be another inspection at 12:00 am. The bowler's run up is still wet, please stay tuned for more updates.

12:15 pm: There will be further inspection at 13:15 pm. If all goes well we will have some play otherwise the match might be abandoned.

13:35 pm: The media end of the ground is still damp, there seems to be no improvement in the outfield inspite of the efforts from the groundsmen. The match has been abandoned.