Player of the Match
Player of the Match

22 | 6 Runs | WI: 89/0

  • Chris Gayle47 (64b)
  • Daren Ganga31 (69b)
  • Liam Plunkett11-1-48-0
  • Monty Panesar3-0-13-0

5.50pm The umpires are out in the middle, light meters agogo. They're pondering, and pondering some more - and they've shaken hands, so the game is officially a draw.

"That nonsense was utterly pointless and makes cricket look daft," chunters a colleague.

Alastair Cook is man of the match, well done him.

Thanks so much for bearing with us, as we bore with them, and do rejoin us on Friday for the second Test at Headingley.

Meanwhile, please do tune in to find out how Ireland are going in their defence of the Intercontinental Cup against Canada at Leicester (or head down if you can).

5.40pm We're still here, are you? It's still murky, but they've not yet called play off.

5.00pm It seems the ECB has given up too - they're already looking ahead to the next Test (who isn't, though?), alerting us to the fact that the side for Headingley this Friday will be announced tomorrow.

4.50pm As Simon Barnes has just put it: "In the immortal words of Stalky and Co, this is piffling, let's go and shoot bunnies."

Craig Poppett has just pedanted in to point out Matt Hayden is the holder of the fastest century in World Cups. We know that, Craig, but that doesn't alter the fact that Davison has held the record in the past, nor that he is brilliantly entertaining to watch.

4.40pm Just had a word with a nice chap at Grace Road who tells me that the Cup Final is free entry. Free entry! To continue the theme over the last few days of what represents good sporting event value, then I reckon getting to see the Pakistan-destroying Ireland team and Canada's John Davison, he of the fastest-World-Cup-century, for free is jolly good value indeed. So if you're in Leicester tomorrow, or for the rest of the week, then get yourselves down there.

4.35pm It may be bleak at Lord's, but tomorrow in Leicester there's a final on. If you can get to Grace Road, do, for the Intercontinental Cup final between Ireland and Canada. We'll be there to swell the crowds, and the forecast's good so we hope there's an icecream man there.

4.30pm As the day goes downhill, so does our songfest. Now Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights gets a savaging. "Straussy, it's me, it's KP, I want to bowl, I'm so cold, just standing in the outfield, so cold, Straussy, it's me, it's KP I want to go home, I want to bowl to my buddy Chris Gayle, otherwise I am heading inside for my ale." Dear me, Herschel Gutman.

4.25pm Hello everyone, Martin's had enough for the day, so you're back with me, Jenny. May I say how lovely my flowers were, I suspect Martin's jealous. "Am I too late with the classic "Relight my Prior"?" wonders Mark Barrow. No...

4.15pm The umpires now decide that the light has got worse and so again we go through the pantomime of head shaking and light-meter reading. Time for a Test match mercy killing. Everyone heads off and there seems little chance of them coming back on. It's grim and, to be honest, there's nothing to play for other than personal statistics.

Plunkett to Gayle, no run, Angled into Gayle who blocks

Plunkett round the wicket.

Plunkett to Gayle, no run, Gayle back but doesn't time another attempted heave through mid-off

That's the issue with the speed gun. That was as quick as most 80mph+ balls from Plunkett but because it pitched shorter it registered at 71mph.

Plunkett to Gayle, no run, short, so much so that's it's over Gayle's head
Plunkett to Gayle, 2 runs, Gayle back and aims to pull high and hard, it's not timed and the ball comes off the top edge and arcs some way over Shah hurrying back at mid-off
Plunkett to Gayle, FOUR, short outside off, Gayle leans back and helps it on its way over the slips and it's a one-bounce four over wide third man
Plunkett to Gayle, no run, Gayle upright and into line to block

21 | 6 Runs | WI: 83/0

  • Daren Ganga31 (69b)
  • Chris Gayle41 (58b)
  • Monty Panesar3-0-13-0
  • Liam Plunkett10-1-42-0

TV cameras show that it's darker now than when the umpires took the players off on the first day.

Panesar to Ganga, FOUR, tossed up but too full, Ganga drove that with real power through a small gap between extra cover and mid-off
Panesar to Ganga, no run, more solid defence
Panesar to Ganga, no run, defensively pushed past silly point, along the ground despite the theatrical dive
Panesar to Ganga, no run, flighted a bit more, careful defence from Ganga
Panesar to Ganga, no run, blocked, Prior yelps as if he has been stung