Player of the Match
Player of the Match
, play 01:15
The eliminator before the decider

Alexis Nunes previews the eliminator between West Indies and South Africa at Bridgetown to meet Australia in the final

Brave stand


Runs added by Bravo and Pollard for the 5th wicket, which is the joint-highest for any team losing first 4 wickets for less than 25 runs.

Four-down in no time


No. of times West Indies lost their first 4 wickets in the first 5 overs of the innings in an ODI since 2001, before this match.

Worst start


No. of times West Indies lost their first 3 wickets at the same score in an ODI, before this match. They lost all their first 3 wickets at the score of 12 in this ODI.