
'Around famous people, I get squealy like a teenage girl'

Sophie Devine top-scored for New Zealand Women with 89 WICB Media/Ashley Allen

You wear jersey number 77. Any particular reason?
It used to be the house address when I was growing up. It was 77 Woodman Drive, so I chose that number because that's where a lot of things started for me - where I first played backyard cricket with my family. So it's just a nice reminder of where I came from.

What's your favourite shot?
Probably a big, dirty slog over cow corner, but I'll probably get told off! Maybe a more correct shot, a nice straight drive. Usually in the air but if it goes along the ground I'll be happy with that.

Is there anything you dislike about T20?
I actually think it can be so hit and miss where one person can change the game, whereas in 50-over cricket, even if one person can stand out it takes quite often two or three people to have really good days [for a win]. Whereas in T20 one person can take the game away from you with the bat or the ball. But it's also a positive if you are that person who stands up.

If New Zealand Women need six off the last ball to win the World Cup, who would you put on the pitch?
There's too many to choose from. It will be hard to go past Suzie Bates or Rachel Priest - they are some of the cleanest hitters I've seen around.

"I'm hopeless at swimming. I love the water, I play games in the water, but I probably couldn't swim 50 metres. I could stay afloat and doggy-paddle"

Why don't you wear a helmet while batting?
Actually, I've never really worn a helmet. The only time I can really remember is playing boys' high school cricket and a few boys were going after me, bowling at around 130-135kph, so I put one on. I back myself to get out of the way. If I get hit, I guess it's my own fault, and probably people will be saying I'm a bit silly for that. But it's a comfort thing as well and just something that I've always done.

Who's the fastest bowler you have faced?
I think when I first played I was up against Cathryn Fitzpatrick, the old Australian. She was pretty nippy. If you look recently, Lea Tahuhu from our side gets some good pace up; Katherine Brunt and Ellyse Perry all get it through at a reasonable rate of knots, so I think the exciting thing about the women's game is that it's growing and getting those outright quick bowlers.

You were run out without facing a ball on your T20 international debut. What happened there?
Oh, was it (laughs)? I can't even remember! I don't even remember who it was against - it must have been a while ago. Back when I first debuted, both 50 overs and T20, I was a bowler, I did not bat at all. So I was always lower down the order. I was probably backing up too far or just trying to get the batter on strike rather than me, or something like that. It doesn't surprise me. I've slowly worked myself up the order, so you never know, I might even open at some stage.

White Ferns or Black Sticks?
Well, White Ferns. I've been really fortunate to play for both teams and I definitely keep an eye on the Black Sticks at the moment. I'm really excited about the future of the White Ferns and the competitions coming up - the World T20 in India next year and the World Cup in England in a couple of years' time.

Olympic gold medal or World Cup?
You're throwing the hard ones at me! That's really tough. That's something that hockey will always have over cricket, that it's an Olympic sport and that a medal is a huge thing; it's not to say that the World Cup trophy isn't worthy. I'll take either, whatever it is.

"My favourite shot would probably be a big, dirty slog over cow corner, but I'll probably get told off"

If you had to pick one?
I'll probably get shot for saying this but an Olympic medal. I'll be dropped for the next game probably now (laughs).

What's the one thing you'd change immediately if you became captain tomorrow?
I would love to get more girls on contracts. I think that would be a huge positive for us. It's fantastic that we've got ten, but realistically we want to push that up to 15, ideally 20, contracts, so that we can get more girls in the environment and supply them with the resources that we need to keep challenging those top teams.

Who is more famous in New Zealand, Suzie Bates or Valerie Adams?
Probably Valerie Adams, but they look quite similar - both tall. Valerie Adams is a hero at home, she's got a pretty good record there with the shot put but what Bates has achieved is pretty awesome - dual international is pretty special, not too many people can say that.

Who has the worst taste in music in the team?
Morna Nielsen. She's very alternative, she would think she's got excellent taste. She did throw a spanner in the works the other day, when she said her favourite movie was Sound of Music, which goes completely against all her normal selections. So she's up there, and also Hannah Rowe. Ninety percent of her iPod is Taylor Swift. It probably shows her age a little bit - she's only 19, the youngest and that probably does make sense.

Your favourite sporting hero is Roger Federer. How are you taking the Wimbledon loss?
Not very well. Everyone was watching in their rooms and all you could hear at one point was hooping and hollering. That's one thing about Federer - he's so gracious in defeat as well. I'm absolutely gutted that he didn't win, but it's a sign of the person he is. Looking from the outside, the way he holds himself whether he's winning or losing, he's definitely an idol.

What would you say if you're stuck in a lift with him?
I probably wouldn't even be able to talk. With famous people I lose the plot, I just get really hyped up and emotional and I won't be able to speak. Even back at home, even if it's a men's domestic cricketer, I lose the plot. I just get squealy like a teenage girl.

Tell us something we don't know about you
I think most people know about the diabetes now, I really like to push that up there. I'm hopeless at swimming. I love the water, I play games in the water, but I probably couldn't swim 50 metres. I could stay afloat and doggy-paddle but I probably could not complete a 50-metre length pool. I've always been hopeless at swimming, so that's something my family always takes the piss out of me about.

Describe yourself in a sentence
It would probably be based around having a laugh. For me it's just about enjoying wherever I am, whoever I'm with. I can get pretty serious sometimes, but it's always good to crack a joke or have a laugh.