
Umar Akmal gives Raza the glare

The costly drop
With Lions four down for little, Umar Akmal came in and heaved at his sixth delivery, from Cameron Delport. There was a faint sound as the ball passed the inside edge but Morne van Wyk could not hold on behind the stumps. Although it was difficult to spot an edge from replays, there was no doubt about what happened in the 13th over. Akmal had a swipe at Prenelan Subrayen, and there was a discernible edge this time, but van Wyk wasn't up to it again. Akmal was on 20 off 19 then; he finished unbeaten on 73 off 45.

The glare
Akmal had carted Kyle Abbott for a four and a six already in the last over when he forced the fifth delivery to deep mid wicket. Eager to keep strike for the last ball, he shouted "two" several times on the first run and turned around at the non-striker's end, only to see Asif Raza in no mood to come back. Raza would have probably been run out as the throw came quickly to Abbott but Akmal's purpose would have been served. An incensed Akmal glared at his partner and Raza did not seem to like his stern words. Raza went on to miss an attempted scoop off the last ball, leaving the glare on Akmal's face for some more time.

The birthday treat
Birthday boy Robbie Frylinck gave Lions absolutely no pace on an already slow surface, and gave himself an early treat as he removed the openers in his first two overs. Ahmed Shehzad tried to smash a length ball down the ground, but only went as far as mid-off. Nasir Jamshed could not quite figure out what to with another slow length ball. He tried to chip it uncertainly and but played too early and only found mid-on.

The fours
In his first over, Aizaz Cheema varied his pace nicely, which is what bowlers try to do in T20s. He tried a slower one first, and then bowled the next ball much quicker. Morne van Wyk couldn't have been bothered. He waited for the slower one to arrive, and opened the face of his bat to time it for four past point. He then leaned into the quicker one, and timed it for four more past cover.