
Botswana school-cricket news

Girish Ramakrishna

"We had an 11-over carnival sponsored by the World Group in which 12 teams participated this weekend. The tournament began on Friday and ended on Sunday and was won by Gujarat XI who beat a Moghul XI in the finals.

As a curtain-raiser to the finals, we organised a game between the development side comprising kids from the government schools and the kids from the private schools. The government schools won the toss and scored 99 for 1 in 15 overs, with Obakeng Amen top-scoring on 44 from 42 balls. In reply the private school were all out for 55 in 14 overs.

This morning, December 1, we had nearly 75 kids from government primary schools to attend an Aids awareness programme run by Kings Foundation in Gaborone. They played mini cricket from 9am to midday. There were 18 government primary teachers along with some volunteers.

Girish Ramakrishna is head of Botswana's development