
Mid-season review of Chile's Metropolitan Cup

The 2007-08 season got off to a good start with six teams now competing for the Metropolitan Cup after the addition of newcomers Estacion Central. La Reina CC currently lie in first position after a strong showing with 4 wins out of 5. More youth have come into the matches in the form of native born Chileans. The second half of the season is about to kick off with Santiago CC and Las Condes CC snapping at La Reina s heels.

The Chilean Condors played host to touring side Craigengower from Hong Kong in January. It was a golden opportunity for the captain of the national selection (Simon Shalders) and President of the ACC (Guy Hooper) to do some talent scouting for the ICC Americas Division 3 Championship. Craigengower put up a brave fight but the Chilean team was far too strong and in form to ever feel threatened by the tourists.