
Le Cricket

This French Life blog (no strapline or explanation necessary) have an interesting interview with Dave Szumowski, the national coach (or Entra neur National).

Where are the hot-beds of French cricket?
The majority of clubs are located in Ile d'France followed by the south (east and west). Aquitaine, Midi Pyr n es, Languedoc Roussillon and PACA are organised in regional associations to assist with the management and promotion of cricket in the south. The remainder of the clubs are scattered throughout France from Lille in the north to Cannes in the south. France Cricket currently has 1,000 licensed members in 50 affiliated clubs.
There are more clubs and cricketers in France that are not yet affiliated to France Cricket and the challenge is to involve them all and make everyone in France aware that cricket exists so that they can join a club. We then have to encourage all clubs to become affiliated to France Cricket so that their members can be eligible to play for the national teams and the sport can be recognised as a 'Sport de Haut Niveau' resulting in the Government releasing much needed resources. It is hoped that when licence numbers reach 2,000 this main objective can be achieved.