
Tamim v Vitori, bugles and vuvuzelas

Tatenda Taibu walks off after being dismissed for 59 Associated Press

Brawl of the day
Tamim Iqbal started the Bangladesh chase with intent, swinging at any ball that he thought he could hit and had notched up four boundaries when Brian Vitori presented him with another hittable delivery. He slashed hard and the ball went to deep backward point but didn't carry to the man on the boundary causing frustration for the Zimbabweans. As Vitori walked back to his mark, shaking his head and gesturing a little, Tamim got in his face, shoulder-nudged him, rather than charged him, and said a few things. None of them probable to be, "well bowled."

"Get on with it" shot of the day
After lunch, with Bangladesh making concerted efforts to slow the game down and Zimbabwe's batsmen evidently being given instructions to score quickly, there was bound to be some risk-taking. Tatenda Taibu allowed for five overs to pass with a run-rate of less than three and then he had enough. Shafiul Islam presented him with a full delivery, inviting the drive and Taibu obliged. The shot was on but the placement was poor and he hit it straight to Robiul Islam at deep extra cover who didn't have to move to take the catch.

Indifference of the day
The bugle, made famous by the rugby World Cup in France and then South African grounds, has found its way to Zimbabwe and was trumpeting its signature tone on Sunday. It's a slightly different one, with a little more lilt to it and it doesn't seem to have exacted the same amount of interest it does in places of its origin. Its first outburst was met with absolute silence by the sparse crowd, causing some giggles among those who are familiar with it. The second attempt was slightly better, with a few cheers in response but on the third blow, one of the fans in the ground belted out a beat from his vuvuzela in reply. Guess which instrument rules here.

The long and the short of the day
Taibu is one of the shorter people you will see on a cricket field. Although not that tiny when dealing with face to face, when standing next to some of his team-mates, he looks like a mini-me. It means that he often has to crane his neck to say something or have one of his colleagues bend their back to hear it. As he joined his lanky captain Brendan Taylor, in leaving the field after a solid first session's work, he wanted to congratulate Taylor on a job well done. Instead of the customary arm around the shoulder, Taibu was only able to reach as far as somewhere on Taylor's torso and had to settle for a pat to that area and not a hug. Taylor soon saw his shorter colleague's intentions and after letting him reach up as far as he could, presented a clenched fist for an encouraging pump instead.

Sideshow of the day
While Bangladesh's bowlers went to lunch needing to digest plans to get the batsman out, Zimbabwe's had no such tough thoughts to chew on. Chris Mpofu, Brian Vitori and Kyle Jarvis took a stroll along the boundary, each with an old ball in hand, not to get in a few practice deliveries, but to play a game of bowls. They went along most of the circumference of the outfield, rolling the balls along the grass to see whose would get further. Mpofu was leading at the halfway stage when they stopped to have a stretch. Bowling is tough work, no matter which format it is in.