
Eighteen clubs threaten Sri Lanka boycott

Sri Lanka's domestic season is facing chaos after 18 clubs threatened to pull out of the Premier League unless Sri Lanka Cricket's interim committee enforces the rules and relegates Badureliya SC to the league's Tier B.

The dispute came about after a decision was made that Badureliya, who finished bottom in last season's competition, would not be demoted to the second division. The clubs have delayed the agreement of fixtures for the domestic season, and the league, which is due to start on October 22, is now facing postponement.

The clubs have expressed fears that any move by the interim committee to ignore their protest could lead to first-class cricket coming to a complete standstill making national selection also an issue.

Two weeks ago Ajith Jayasekera, the tournament committee chairman, and Mahinda Halangoda, another member, resigned from their posts over the interim committee's failure to relegate Badureliya SC.

As a result, the five-member tournament committee is unable to function as it has been reduced to just three members.