
Vaughan to have scan on hamstring

Michael Vaughan will have a scan on the injured hamstring which forced him to use a runner during the 17 he made in England's run chase at Hobart.
The problem came after he fielded a delivery at backward point during New Zealand's innings, immediately grabbing the back of his left knee and hobbling through the remainder of England's stint in the field.

At first the fear was that it was a return of the knee injury that kept him out of international cricket for a year. But it was quickly confirmed that this was a new injury to the other leg.

After receiving treatment during the interval Vaughan opened the batting with Andrew Strauss but was clearly uncomfortable. After struggling to complete quick singles he eventually called for a runner and Jamie Dalrymple came out. He wasn't needed for long as Vaughan soon pulled James Franklin to midwicket.

Following England's three-wicket win, Vaughan was fairly relaxed about the problem. "The knee is fine. I'm hoping it is not too bad and I can play again Friday."

If he can't line-up against Australia, at Brisbane, England will be faced with a tricky decision. They haven't appointed a vice-captain for the CB Series so would have to decide whether to return to Andrew Flintoff, who is showing an upturn in form since leaving the job, or switch tactics and bring back Andrew Strauss. Even rare England victories don't come without their problems.