The Premier League tournament in Sri Lanka will be given a tremendous boost when its matches are televised by Sirasa TV, a local television channel, which has joined hands with Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC).
Half-an-hour highlights of the the day's matches will be telecast at 6.30 pm. There will also be constant updates of scores and interviews aired through their radio channels on Sirasa FM.
Outlining the objectives of this joint venture, Mano Wickramanayake, director of Maharajah Organisation Group - Sirasa TV's parent company - said that his company had undertaken this task to increase the low levels of spectator interest in the matches.
"Over time Sri Lanka cricket has come of age and we have undertaken the task to provide maximum coverage through our radio and television channels to encourage the stars of tomorrow to display their talents and become household names," said Wickramanayake during a press conference at the SLC headquarters.
He added that the cost of the package, estimated at Rs 50 million, had been signed for one year with a provision to renew it upto five years.
There are 14 clubs participating in the league, divided in two groups. On an average, six matches will be played every week till the end of December, followed by the semi-finals and final.