
Graham Cooper in Vienna in preparation for ECC Notts Sport Trophy

Following on from the Introductory Umpiring Course, held in Vienna in March, the EDP's umpiring representative, Graham Cooper, was again in Vienna, to carry out boundary assessments of Austria's umpires who will be standing in the forthcoming ECC Notts Sport(r) Trophy in August, as well as a chance to discuss progress regarding the event with Mike Bailey (Tournament Organiser) and Walter Blaschke (Principal Umpire).

Graham was able to see two Austrian Open League matches during his stay, which also gave him the opportunity to visit both the cricket grounds being used for the forthcoming tournament. If the weather which greeted Graham is anything to go by, then August promises to be a hotly contested tournament in the heat - temperatures were in the early 90s (32-34 C) over the weekend and are threatening three figures (37 C) this week.