
Colonial Stadium and the cricket in August in Melbourne

Thoughts from some of the 35,000 present....

The history of Colonial Stadium has been a intriguing one. So much so that the negatives about it have far outweighed the positives. One thing that two supposedly insignificant one day internationals has done is show that the facility can host a major sporting event and host it without any great hassles. To date the playing surface has caused little problems to members of the fielding side and the white ball, which at times barely stays white for twenty overs or so, has held up very well.

The pitch, which again received plenty of plaudits today, has continued to maintain its bounce and pace with the likes of Jason Gillespie and Glenn McGrath, in particular, bearing this out.

The facilities for spectators, once they are in the ground, are excellent. There have been teething problems with ticketing at football matches as well as the ability to be able to pay for a ticket at the gate. But once you are in the ground, whether it's at level one, a Medallion Club Member or high up in back of a level four seat, you have a great view of proceedings on the arena.

John (46) and Jo-Anne (45), both of Melbourne and both Medallion Club Members, enjoyed the evening but weren't too sure whether they would come back if another series like this were played next year.

"I'm pretty happy tonight to have been here, but it has been the novelty of it more than anything that has made us come," John, a strong follower of cricket, said. "I'm not sure if next year I'd be here but you never know."

His partner Jo-Anne said she had a good night even though she isn't a big cricket fan.

"It has been fun but as a regular attender [sic] of Western Bulldogs' football matches. I wouldn't be here if my footy team were playing tonight".

Lisa (20) also came along more out of curiosity than for the cricket itself. "I really love my footy but I'm glad I came along tonight," she said.

Lisa, also a football regular, suggested the roof could be opened. "It always seems colder in here when the roof is closed," she said as she chatted away with other friends Naomi (21) and John (27).

"I'm a footy fan but tonight has been fantastic," Naomi enthused as she and her other pals settled in for the remaining twenty-five overs of the Aussie run chase.

Naomi also praised the car parking and the access in and out of the ground. "The parking here is great and it usually only takes five minutes to get onto the nearest Ring Road and I'm away".

John, a big cricket fan, regularly attends the MCG as a general admission patron and was another spectator who felt the roof should have been opened - albeit for another reason. "It was a nice sunny day in Melbourne today and they should have had the roof open not shut".

Mind you, Melburnians often reckon 13 degrees Celsius is a nice day given that it can be that temperature on occasions in the middle of summer.