
Bumping into India's Asian Games champions

Our correspondent with Praveen Chitravel and Subha Venkatesan Mohammad Isam/ESPNcricinfo

A tall man walked down the carpeted walkway at Delhi airport, towards the Chennai-bound aircraft. When he looked up from his phone, the trophy in his hand, the colour of his t-shirt and his physique revealed that he must be someone special. Inside the aircraft there was another person with a similar trophy in her hand, and a t-shirt that suggested that she represents India too.

Someone commented when they walked past some of the seats that they might be athletes. "Look at the trophy in their hands. They must have won something," the onlooker said.

Still, nobody could recognise the pair. They took their economy-class seats like the other passengers. Shortly after takeoff though, the pilot announced that they were Asian Games medal-winners Praveen Chitravel and Subha Venkatesan. There was mild applause from the other passengers as the two winners stood up from their seats. There was no massive rush towards them, this being an aircraft, but a couple of people walked up to greet them.

Chitravel, who won bronze in the men's triple jump with his best jump of 16.68m, sported a big smile whenever he shook someone's hand. Venkatesan, who won silver in the mixed 4x400m relay, was similarly jolly. They were both accommodating enough to repeat their names to everyone, and explain how they got the medals. Venkatesan said that she was going to Trichy, where she would meet the Tamil Nadu chief minister.

When Chitravel was walking back to his seat, a passenger insisted that he take a photo with both athletes. Venkatesan pulled Chitravel back into position to get the photo done.

When the flight landed in Chennai, there was no rush to meet them again. Chitravel and Venkatesan simply walked through the arrivals hall, found their luggage and headed out of the Chennai airport.

Their simplicity was a breath of fresh air. One still wonders what athletes in the subcontinent, other than cricketers, would have to do to get a little more attention.