
Fernando Alonso cleared to race for full weekend in China

Dan Istitene/Getty Images

Fernando Alonso has been given the all clear to participate in the rest of the Chinese Grand Prix weekend after a second visit to the medical centre following FP1.

Alonso missed the Bahrain Grand Prix after fracturing his ribs in a huge accident at the opening race of the season in Australia. On Thursday he was provisionally cleared to take part in FP1 on the provision he returned for further checks following the session.

The Spaniard has been deemed fully fit to compete this weekend but has been given specific instructions he must stop racing if he feels anything abnormal.

The FIA statement said: "As a result of a medical examination undertaken following Free Practice One, the FIA F1 Medical Delegate, Prof. Jean-Charles Piette, and the Chief Medical Officer of the Chinese Grand Prix, Prod. Shiyi Chen, have ruled that Fernando Alonso is fit to take part in all the remaining sessions this weekend.

"However, as with this morning's session, in case of any abnormal symptoms the driver has been informed that he must stop his car immediately. As the driver has been cleared to take part, no further medical checks will be undertaken unless the driver presents any abnormal symptom."

The news means Stoffel Vandoorne's debut in Bahrain is likely to remain his only race outing this year.