
Aston Villa's Joleon Lescott apologises for poorly timed 'pocket' tweet

Joleon Lescott managed to tweet himself into the bad books of legions of Aston Villa fans on Sunday afternoon, shortly after playing his part in the club's worst home defeat in more than 80 years.

Roughly an hour after Villa had been unceremoniously thrashed 6-0 by Liverpool at Villa Park, Lescott posted a photo of a flashy £125,000 sports car on his official Twitter account.

To say it didn't go down well is something of an understatement, with droves of seething Villa fans queuing up to admonish the 33-year-old defender for his perceived lack of decorum.

Realising he'd made a faux pas, Lescott subsequently issued a follow-up apology on Twitter in which he blamed his trouser pockets for going rogue while he drove home from the game.

Given that selecting and posting a photo on Twitter is a rather complex task far beyond the usual capabilities of most trousers, we feel we must congratulate Lescott on his peerless taste in tech-savvy britches.