15Bernardo Stortoni, -
14DTH Van Der Merwe, -
13Max Evans, -
12Graeme Morrison, -
11Thom Evans, -
10Dan Parks, -
9Chris Cusiter, -
1Jon Welsh, -
2Dougie Hall, -
3Moray Low, -
4Richie Gray, -
5Alastair Kellock, -
6Kelly Brown, -
7John Barclay, -
8Richie Vernon, -
16Fergus Thomson, -
17Kevin Tkachuk, -
18Dan Turner, -
19Johnnie Beattie, -
20Colin Gregor, -
21Colin Shaw, -
22Hefin O'Hare, -

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

3:05 PM, December 27, 2009

Match Commentary

80'25-12 End of second half
77'Player substituted - Richie Vernon , Glasgow Warriors
77'Substitute on - Johnnie Beattie , Glasgow Warriors
77'Player substituted - Thom Evans , Glasgow Warriors
77'Substitute on - Hefin O'Hare , Glasgow Warriors
76'Player substituted - Ross Ford , Edinburgh
76'Substitute on - Sean Crombie , Edinburgh
68'Player substituted - Greig Laidlaw , Edinburgh
68'Substitute on - Ross Samson , Edinburgh
65'Player substituted - Alastair Kellock , Glasgow Warriors
65'Substitute on - Dan Turner , Glasgow Warriors
65'Substitute on - Kevin Tkachuk , Glasgow Warriors
65'Player substituted - Jon Welsh , Glasgow Warriors
65'Player substituted - Dougie Hall , Glasgow Warriors
65'Substitute on - Fergus Thomson , Glasgow Warriors
61'Player substituted - Nick de Luca , Edinburgh
61'Substitute on - Mark Robertson , Edinburgh
61'Substitute on - Fraser McKenzie , Edinburgh
61'Player substituted - David Callam , Edinburgh
54'25-12 Penalty goal - Dan Parks , Glasgow Warriors
51'22-12 Conversion - Dan Parks , Glasgow Warriors
50'20-12 Try - Richie Vernon , Glasgow Warriors
50'Substitute on - Kyle Traynor , Edinburgh
50'Player substituted - Allan Jacobsen , Edinburgh
42'Substitute on - Craig Hamilton , Edinburgh
42'Player substituted - Steven Turnbull , Edinburgh
40'15-12 Start of second half
40'+615-12 End of first half
40'+515-12 Penalty goal - Chris Paterson , Edinburgh
40'+115-9 Drop goal - Dan Parks , Glasgow Warriors
40'12-9 Penalty goal - Chris Paterson , Edinburgh
36'12-6 Penalty goal - Dan Parks , Glasgow Warriors
36'Substitute on - Colin Gregor , Glasgow Warriors
36'Player substituted - Chris Cusiter , Glasgow Warriors
29'Yellow card - John Barclay , Glasgow Warriors
29'Yellow card - Roddy Grant , Edinburgh
22'9-6 Penalty goal - Chris Paterson , Edinburgh
20'9-3 Penalty goal - Dan Parks , Glasgow Warriors
11'6-3 Penalty goal - Dan Parks , Glasgow Warriors
7'3-3 Penalty goal - Chris Paterson , Edinburgh
5'3-0 Penalty goal - Dan Parks , Glasgow Warriors
1'0-0 Start of first half