15Stuart Hogg, -
14Sean Lamont, -
13Alex Dunbar, -
12Peter Horne, -
11DTH Van Der Merwe, -
10Duncan Weir, -
9Henry Pyrgos, -
1Ryan Grant, -
2Pat MacArthur, -
3Euan Murray, -
4Tim Swinson, -
5Alastair Kellock, -
6Ryan Wilson, -
7Rob Harley, -
8Josh Strauss, -
16Dougie Hall, -
17Alex Allan, -
18Jon Welsh, -
19Leone Nakarawa, -
20Tyrone Holmes, -
21Nikola Matawalu, -
22Richie Vernon, -
23Sean Maitland, -

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Scotstoun Stadium
2:40 PM, December 27, 2014

Match Commentary

81'16-6 End of half
81'16-6 End of half
81'16-6 End of second half
80'Player substituted - Duncan Weir , Glasgow Warriors
80'Substitute on - Sean Maitland , Glasgow Warriors
71'Substitute on - Stuart McInally , Edinburgh
71'Player substituted - David Denton , Edinburgh
71'Substitute on - Grayson Hart , Edinburgh
71'Player substituted - Tom Brown , Edinburgh
70'16-6 Penalty goal - Duncan Weir , Glasgow Warriors
65'Substitute on - Alex Allan , Glasgow Warriors
65'Player substituted - Ryan Grant , Glasgow Warriors
65'Player substituted - Pat MacArthur , Glasgow Warriors
65'Substitute on - Dougie Hall , Glasgow Warriors
63'Player substituted - Andries Strauss , Edinburgh
63'Substitute on - Phil Burleigh , Edinburgh
60'Player substituted - Alastair Kellock , Glasgow Warriors
60'Substitute on - Ryan Wilson , Glasgow Warriors
58'Player substituted - Rob Harley , Glasgow Warriors
58'Substitute on - Leone Nakarawa , Glasgow Warriors
56'Substitute on - Neil Cochrane , Edinburgh
56'Player substituted - Ross Ford , Edinburgh
55'Player substituted - Stuart McInally , Edinburgh
55'Substitute on - Roddy Grant , Edinburgh
54'Player substituted - Ryan Wilson , Glasgow Warriors
54'Substitute on - Tyrone Holmes , Glasgow Warriors
54'Substitute on - Jon Welsh , Glasgow Warriors
54'Player substituted - Euan Murray , Glasgow Warriors
54'Substitute on - Nikola Matawalu , Glasgow Warriors
54'Player substituted - Henry Pyrgos , Glasgow Warriors
54'Substitute on - Fraser McKenzie , Edinburgh
54'Player substituted - Anton Bresler , Edinburgh
53'13-6 Penalty goal - Tom Heathcote , Edinburgh
48'Substitute on - Stuart McInally , Edinburgh
48'Player substituted - Roddy Grant , Edinburgh
46'Substitute on - WP Nel , Edinburgh
46'Player substituted - John Andress , Edinburgh
43'Substitute on - Tom Heathcote , Edinburgh
43'Player substituted - Jack Cuthbert , Edinburgh
40'13-3 Start of second half
41'+113-3 End of first half
38'13-3 Conversion - Duncan Weir , Glasgow Warriors
37'11-3 Try - Josh Strauss , Glasgow Warriors
35'6-3 Penalty goal - Duncan Weir , Glasgow Warriors
16'3-3 Penalty goal - Duncan Weir , Glasgow Warriors
6'0-3 Penalty goal - Sam Hidalgo-Clyne , Edinburgh
1'0-0 Start of first half