15Alex Goode, FB
14Chris Ashton, W
13Marcelo Bosch, C
12Brad Barritt, C
11Sean Maitland, W
10Owen Farrell, FH
9Richard Wigglesworth, SH
1Mako Vunipola, P
2Jamie George, H
3Juan Figallo, P
4Maro Itoje, L
5Jim Hamilton, L
6Michael Rhodes, FL
7Jackson Wray, FL
8Billy Vunipola, N8
16Schalk Brits, R
17Titi Lamositele, R
18Vincent Koch, R
19Kelly Brown, R
20Joel Conlon, R
21Neil de Kock, R
22Alex Lozowski, R
23Duncan Taylor, R

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: StoneX Stadium
1:00 PM, April 2, 2017

Match Commentary

81'+238-13 End of second half
81'+138-13 Try - Ryan Wilson , Glasgow Warriors
80'That is that. Saracens seal a Champions Cup semifinal place and will face Munster.
80'TRY Nick Grigg makes a break for Glasgow as they look to get a try at the end. Allen takes it forward. Five metres out. Wilson inches forward and scores at the end.
79'38-8 Conversion - Owen Farrell , Saracens
78'36-8 Try - Chris Ashton , Saracens
77'TRY Saracens win the lineout on the Glasgow 22, Brad Barritt takes it on. Goode creates some space and Ashton goes over in the right corner.
76'Saracens win the penalty off the Glasgow lineout. Nothing has really gone their way. Farrell kicks Sarries back inside the Glasgow half.
75'Substitute on - Kelly Brown , Saracens
75'Player substituted - Billy Vunipola , Saracens
75'Player substituted - Sean Maitland , Saracens
75'Substitute on - Alex Lozowski , Saracens
75'Substitute on - Rory Hughes , Glasgow Warriors
75'Player substituted - Stuart Hogg , Glasgow Warriors
75'Substitute on - Neil de Kock , Saracens
75'Player substituted - Richard Wigglesworth , Saracens
75'31-8 Conversion - Owen Farrell , Saracens
73'Saracens win the ball on the Glasgow scrum and Brits offloads to Vincent Koch, the ball is spread wide and Brad Barritt goes over to score.
73'29-8 Try - Brad Barritt , Saracens
72'Substitute on - Joel Conlon , Saracens
72'Player substituted - Jim Hamilton , Saracens
72'Substitute on - Titi Lamositele , Saracens
72'Player substituted - Mako Vunipola , Saracens
71'Saracens are back inside the Glasgow 22. Duncan Taylor runs from inside his own 22 to halfway. Mako Vunipola makes a charge but at the end Sean Maitland is held metres short as he tries to stretch. The ball is recycled but Jackson Wray knocks the ball forward.
71'Substitute on - Chris Fusaro , Glasgow Warriors
71'Player substituted - Greg Peterson , Glasgow Warriors
70'24-8 Penalty goal - Owen Farrell , Saracens
69'Alex Goode jinx inside the Glasgow defence, with a penalty advantage, they spread the ball wide. Wigglesworth blocks a covering Glasgow player as Goode runs in to score. No try. Alex Allen is taken out by Wigglesworth. Penalty in front of the posts with the penalty.
67'Very disappointing for Glasgow, going from the Saracens 22 back to their own within a minute.
67'Saracens win the scrum and Billy Vunipola takes it from the scrum, needs three tacklers to eventually take him down. Wigglesworth kicks in behind the Glasgow defence. Hogg clears to touch just outside his own 22.
65'Flynn, who saw his lineout stolen minutes before, knocks the ball forward. Great defence from Saracens.
64'Solid scrum. Glasgow go right through Russell, Hogg and Lee Jones.
63'Glasgow lose the ball on their lineout but Russell blocks Farrell's clearance and Barritt knocks the ball forward. Scrum Glasgow on the 22 in front of the posts.
62'Glasgow win the penalty as Mako Vunipola is penalised. Russell finds touch this time.
60'Billy Vunipola takes the ball from the back of the scrum and goes charging forward but the ball is knocked forward.
60'Player substituted - Gordon Reid , Glasgow Warriors
60'Substitute on - Alex Allan , Glasgow Warriors
60'Player substituted - Fraser Brown , Glasgow Warriors
60'Substitute on - Corey Flynn , Glasgow Warriors
60'Substitute on - Duncan Taylor , Saracens
60'Player substituted - Marcelo Bosch , Saracens
59'21-8 Conversion - Owen Farrell , Saracens
59'19-8 Try - Marcelo Bosch , Saracens
58'TRY Ali Price box kicks but Ashton gathers outside the 22. Mako Vunipola and Wigglesworth take the ball forward and then Bosch attacks the line and runs in for the try. That should be that.
57'Substitute on - Nick Grigg , Glasgow Warriors
57'Player substituted - Peter Horne , Glasgow Warriors
56'Wigglesworth charges through the middle and up to the Glasgow 22 but Ali Price gets back to tackle and Wigglesworth knocks the ball forward in the tackle.
55'Russell misses touch again. Brits runs the ball back from his own line to halfway.
55'Glagsow win the penalty from the lineout with Itoje penalised for coming in from the side.
55'Substitute on - Schalk Brits , Saracens
55'Player substituted - Jamie George , Saracens
54'A Ali Price's box kick is knocked forward by Tommy Seymour. Wigglesworth counters but he kicks the ball into touch.
53'Farrell's pass to Itoje is called forward by Garces. Scrum to Glasgow.
52'Glasgow turn the ball over, but Itoje steals the ball back as he charges over Ali Price. Saracens inching forward. Maitland brings Sarries back up to the Warriors 22. Billy Vunipola charges at the Glasgow defends.
51'Poor Glasgow lineout and Saracens have the scrum.
51'Player substituted - Henry Pyrgos , Glasgow Warriors
51'Substitute on - Ali Price , Glasgow Warriors
50'Saracens look to strike back straight away but they concede the penalty at the breakdown and clear to touch near halfway.
48'TRY Finn Russell kicks over the top, Lee Jones gathers and he gets the better of Alex Goode and then Chris Ashton to score. GAME ON.
48'14-8 Try - Lee Jones , Glasgow Warriors
48'Substitute on - Sila Puafisi , Glasgow Warriors
48'Player substituted - Zander Fagerson , Glasgow Warriors
47'Fraser Brown is alright and we will resume with a scrum to Glasgow, midway inside the Saracens half.
47' Going side to side at the moment and Garces blows his whistle for medical attention to come on for Fraser Brown.
46'A quick lineout sees Glasgow inch forward. Not making much headway. Harley takes the ball forward.
45'Russell kicks to touch. Glasgow have the lineout midway inside the Saracens half.
44'Hamilton reaches and takes in the lineout. Wigglesworth's box kick is taken in the air by Lee Jones. Jackson Wray takes him out. Penalty for Glasgow.
43'Hamilton wins the lineout for Saracens, but Glasgow concede the penalty and Wigglesworth kicks to touch. Really poor from Glasgow, allowing Saracens an easy way out.
42'Finn Russell looks to break away after the ball doesn't go to hand in the Saracens attack. Jackson Wray gets back and Russell kicked into touch inside the Sarries 22.
41'Owen Farrell gets the second half start. Can Glasgow fight back? They haven't showed much so far. Finn Russell kicks down to Wigglesworth, he runs through but the ball is lost forward after the pass.
41'14-3 End of first half
40'At half-time, Glasgow have it all to do and don't look like troubling Saracens.
40'The overused TMO is used once more, Farrell puts the ball out wide to Chris Ashton who touches down in the right corner. But the TMO rules that he is in touch.
40'14-3 Start of second half
39'Jim Hamilton wins the ball at the tail of the lineout and the maul gets going. Inside the Glasgow 22.
39'Wigglesworth and Jim Hamilton take it on. Farrell kicks in behind and Tommy Seymour takes the mark and kicks to touch, just outside the Glasgow 22.
38'Glasgow in possession close to halfway, Russell puts the ball wide but it doesn't go to hand and Saracens have it, Michael Rhodes picks a good gap.
37'Glasgow have the feed to the scrum, they spread it wide. Hogg kicks through but Sean Maitland gathers while there Owen Farrell and Wilson get to know each other a bit off the ball.
36'Stuart Hogg looked to be lining up a kick at goal, on the left touchline. But Russell doesn't find touch. We go to the TMO for a charge by Gordon Reid on Alex Goode who gathered and cleared.
35'Glasgow inching forward, not making much headway. Fraser Brown carries back over halfway, but Saracens concede the penalty. Brad Barritt was trying to play the ball on the ground.
34'Glasgow with the put in to the scrum. Sarries get the drive on but they get the ball out. Glasgow into the Saracens half through Dunbar.
32'Billy Vunipola looks to break into the Glasgow half but Jerome Garces says the ball is forward from Goode in midfield.
31'14-3 Try - Chris Ashton , Saracens
30'TRY Chris Ashton. The ball goes right, from Bosch to Barritt and onto Ashton. He steps inside his man, Russell can't stop him either and Ashton goes over.
29'The scrum doesn't move, Saracens get it out the back and counter quickly, through Farrell and Barritt. Saracens are up to the Glasgow 22.
28'Player substituted - Juan Figallo , Saracens
28'Substitute on - Vincent Koch , Saracens
27'Russell looks to put Lee Jones in down the left touchline but the pass is forward and we have a scrum. Saracens put in.
27'Saracens lose the ball in the tackle and Hogg counters, over the halfway line.
27'9-3 Penalty goal - Owen Farrell , Saracens
25'Hogg looks to clear but it is blocked down and Saracens win the penalty at the breakdown. Farrell will line up his fourth kick of the game.
23'Owen Farrell drags it left and wide. A little let off for Glasgow.
22'Owen Farrell will line up the penalty from wide left. Jonny Gray, who was elbowed earlier on, will not return.
21'Saracens win the lineout, and their maul gets going, driving over the Glasgow 10 metre line. Penalty advantage. Farrell spreads the ball wide, and Bosch charges through. No advantage. Jerome Garces brings us back for the penalty.
20'Solid scrum by Saracens. A kick through but Glasgow counter but Brian Alainu'uese is put into touch.
17'Glasgow winning the penalty at the scrum and they kick up to midway inside the Saracens half.
16'Saracens inching their way towards their 10 metre line, a Wigglesworth box kick is taken by Sean Maitland brilliantly in the air, on the Glasgow 10 metre line. Glasgow get men at the breakdown quickly and they win the turnover.
15'6-3 Penalty goal - Owen Farrell , Saracens
13'Farrell feeds Bosch who crashes over the 22. And Sarries have another penalty against Glasgow for a high tackle. Rob Harley penalised for a tackle on Jackson Wray. Farrell lines up the penalty.
12'A chip through from Russell sits up nicely for Alex Goode, getting in there ahead of the charging Hogg. Saracens midway through the Warriors half.
11'3-3 Penalty goal - Finn Russell , Glasgow Warriors
11'Player substituted - Jonny Gray , Glasgow Warriors
11'Substitute on - Greg Peterson , Glasgow Warriors
10'An accidental elbow to the face of Jonny Gray. He goes off for some attention and Finn Russell lines up the kick.
9'Glasgow inching forward for the first time and Glasgow have a penalty for not rolling away. We are going upstairs to the TMO once again.
9'3-0 Penalty goal - Owen Farrell , Saracens
7'The Saracens scrum is solid, Wigglesworth finds Brad Barritt. Itoje takes it on. 15 metres from the Warriors line. Penalty and Owen Farrell will have a shot at goal.
7'Player substituted - Nick Grigg , Glasgow Warriors
7'Substitute on - Alex Dunbar , Glasgow Warriors
6'Bosch kicks in behind the Warriors defence. They fail to take possession and Saracens get the scrum.
4'Another TMO decision as Saracens counter but Stuart Hogg drags Sean Maitland into touch before he touches down in the left corner. Jamie George delays a pass, then finds Farrell, goes along the line to Maitland but he's put into touch.
3'Henry Pyrgos kicks the ball out of play on the full. Saracens lineout on the Glasgow 10 metre line.
3'From the lineout, Glasgow win the free kick and Stuart Hogg kicks down to the Saracens 22. Goode takes and fires it back down to Hogg who takes it into contact.
3'Substitute on - Nick Grigg , Glasgow Warriors
3'Player substituted - Alex Dunbar , Glasgow Warriors
2'TMO inside three minutes. Huge start from Saracens, brilliant play from Sarries, Vunipola with the delay, Alex Goode puts the ball wide and Ashton goes over but he was put into touch.
1'And we are off. Champions Cup semi-final up for grabs and Lions jersey on the line.
1'0-0 Start of first half

European Rugby Champions Cup 2017 News