15Simon Zebo, FB
14Andrew Conway, W
13Jaco Taute, C
12Rory Scannell, C
11Keith Earls, W
10Tyler Bleyendaal, FH
9Duncan Williams, SH
1Dave Kilcoyne, P
2Niall Scannell, H
3John Ryan, P
4Donnacha Ryan, L
5Billy Holland, L
6Peter O'Mahony, FL
7Tommy O'Donnell, FL
8CJ Stander, N8
16Rhys Marshall, R
17James Cronin, R
18Stephen Archer, R
19Dave O'Callaghan, R
20Jean Deysel, R
21Ian Keatley, R
22Francis Saili, R
23Darren Sweetnam, R

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Aviva Stadium
3:15 PM, April 22, 2017

Match Commentary

81'+110-26 End of second half
80'Munster look to run the ball. Perhaps a little late, while they box kicked their way up to 10 minutes from time. That is that. On this, perhaps, the only team that could beat Saracens are Clermont. They will defend their title in Edinburgh next month
80'10-26 Conversion - Ian Keatley , Munster
80'8-26 Try - CJ Stander , Munster
79'Munster win a penalty and they are in for a try. CJ Stander, when the game is done, Saracens already departed, Stander grabs a try.
77'Saracens have been about three classes above Munster and but for poor handling they could have wracked up closer to 50 points.
76'Andrew Conway knocks on. This is a PRO12 team, not good enough for Europe. Conor Murray's absence was big but the lack of leadership at halfback has been shown up.
75'Substitute on - Alex Lozowski , Saracens
75'Player substituted - Marcelo Bosch , Saracens
75'Substitute on - Jim Hamilton , Saracens
75'Player substituted - Maro Itoje , Saracens
75'3-26 Penalty goal - Owen Farrell , Saracens
73'Owen Farrell will have a kick at goal after another penalty from Munster.
72'Substitute on - Titi Lamositele , Saracens
72'Player substituted - Mako Vunipola , Saracens
72'Player substituted - Richard Wigglesworth , Saracens
72'Substitute on - Ben Spencer , Saracens
72'Substitute on - Ian Keatley , Munster
72'Player substituted - Tyler Bleyendaal , Munster
72'Substitute on - Petrus Du Plessis , Saracens
72'Player substituted - Vincent Koch , Saracens
72'3-23 Conversion - Owen Farrell , Saracens
70'Munster conceded another penalty after the restart. This performance from Bleyendaal, now subbed for Keatley, puts another question mark over why the IRFU would recruit a player from the Southern Hemisphere rather than developing their own flyhalf. Hasn't been good enough.
70'Game, set and match. Absolutely ludicrous from Bleyendaal. Thirteen points down and he tries a drop goal. Stupid. And Saracens counter and a chip through isn't gathered by Zebo in Wyles' arms and he touches down to score.
70'3-21 Try - Chris Wyles , Saracens
68'Drop goal-missed
66'The lineout sees Donnacha Ryan gather. Billy Holland takes it on. Munster picking and going. 10 metres from the line. Saili takes it on.
65'Thirteen points. This could get very ugly for Munster if they can't get back into this. Accidental obstruction and Munster kick to the corner.
64'Player substituted - Keith Earls , Munster
64'Substitute on - Darren Sweetnam , Munster
64'Substitute on - Stephen Archer , Munster
64'Player substituted - John Ryan , Munster
64'3-16 Penalty goal - Owen Farrell , Saracens
63'Player substituted - Sean Maitland , Saracens
63'Substitute on - Chris Wyles , Saracens
62'Saracens win the penalty at the scrum and Farrell will kick to the posts.
61'Scrum Saracens on the Munster 22. They could really start to pull away here if Munster are not careful.
61'Player substituted - Niall Scannell , Munster
61'Substitute on - Rhys Marshall , Munster
60'Another steal for Munster. This time from Billy Holland and the maul collapses and Sarries get the scrum. Disappointing from Munster. Yuo can't really see where a try would come from for Munster.
59'And inexplicably Bleyendaal misses the kick. Huge error by Munster. They look done.
57'Mako Vunipola lifts the legs of the Munster jumper and Munster get the penalty. Munster kick to the corner. Saracens offside and Bleyendaal will have a kick at goal.
56'Substitute on - Schalk Burger , Saracens
56'Player substituted - Jackson Wray , Saracens
56'Substitute on - Francis Saili , Munster
56'Player substituted - Jaco Taute , Munster
55'Marcelo Bosch kicks the ball out on the full and Munster have the lineout a few metres outside of the Sarries 22.
55'3-13 Conversion - Owen Farrell , Saracens
54'3-11 Try - Mako Vunipola , Saracens
53'TRY Mako Vunipola barges his way over the line after they get the push on following the lineout.
53'Stander takes off the back of the scrum and with the backs blocking the Saracens attackers, Bleyendaal slices the ball out to touch, 10 metres from his own line.
53'Substitute on - Dave O'Callaghan , Munster
53'Player substituted - Peter O'Mahony , Munster
53'Player substituted - Dave Kilcoyne , Munster
53'Substitute on - James Cronin , Munster
52'Munster scrum under their own posts.
52'With Peter O'Mahoney laid out on the floor, George Kruis has a burst and he loses the ball over the line.
51'Substitute on - Jean Deysel , Munster
51'Player substituted - Tommy O'Donnell , Munster
51'Player substituted - Jamie George , Saracens
51'Substitute on - Schalk Brits , Saracens
50'Saracens look lightening in attack, the ball is spread wide Goode attacks inside Zebo and puts it out to Ashton who drops the ball.
49'Billy Vunipola puts his foot into touch and the ball goes back, deeper into the Munster half for the lineout.
48'Duncan Williams needlessly kicks in behind on the Sarries 22. Alex Goode takes and clears to halfway.
47'Bleyendaal kicks midway into the Saracens half and Munster gather the lineout and the maul starts going.
46'A bit of confusion between Farrell and Goode, Zebo almost away but he knocks on. Romain Poite gives Munster the scrum. Munster penalty against Mako Vunipola.
44'Simon Zebo clears to touch 10 metres outside the Munster 22. Big lineout.
43'Peter O'Mahoney steals the lineout and a box kick is ran back by Maitland. Bosch explodes towards the 22.
43'Duncan Williams kicks out on the full after the ball was taken back into the Munster 22. Conor Murray looks on.
41'We're back underway in Dublin and Saracens off the back of a lineout are driving towards the Munster 22. Farrell puts Maitland down the left touchline but under pressure he spills the ball.
41'3-6 End of first half
40'Since the lineout Munster have lost 20 metres in territory. Sarries turn the ball over and Mako Vunipola needlessly kicks ahead when it looked like Saracens had a huge overlap on. The ball goes dead and that will be the half.
40'3-6 Start of second half
37'Kilcoyne takes it on but comes up against Mako and Billy Vuniopola. Zebo then driven back by Barritt and Bosch.
37'Maro Itoje in from the side and Munster get the penalty. Bleyendaal kicks Munster up to the Saracens 22. Huge few minutes before half time here.
36'Keith Earls win the penalty as Farrell tackles him before he has a chance to gather the loose ball. Bleyendaal kicks to touch on halfway.
35'Billy Vunipola takes the restart and bursts through a gap and kicks downfield but Earls comes back to gather. Willilams clears to touch by Sarries take a quick one.
35'3-6 Penalty goal - Owen Farrell , Saracens
33'Munster concede the penalty as Kilcoyne is penalised and Farrell will have a kick at goal.
32'Another scrum and Jackson Wray returns to bolster the Sarries pack.
32'A huge error from Bleyendaal as Owen Farrell gives an ankle tap and Bleyendaal knocks on. Sarries scrum outside the Munster 22.
30'Alex Goode clears to touch to their 10 metre line. Sarries can't get out of their half and Munster can't find a way through this Sarries defence.
29'Williams puts up a box kick and Billy Vunipola takes. Wigglesworth puts a box kick down towards Zebo who is put down on halfway.
28'Wigglesworth clears to Conway, who is hit hard but gives it to Zebo. John Ryan goes down the right touchline.
27'Munster again cough up possession in the Saracens 22. Munster unable to take advantage of the extra player.
27'Farrell kicks to Zebo. He gathers his kick chase ahead of Goode. Bleyendaal kicks towards the corner and Maitland puts his hand up and the ball goes into touch. Lineout Munster 10 metres from the Sarries line.
25'Stander double tackled again but Munster are penalised for holding onto the ball on the ground in the tackle. Billy Vunipola helped Mako in the tackle. Maybe Munster unfortunate to concede the penalty.
23'Bleyendaal kicks to the corner. Munster win the lineout and O'Donnell and Scannell take the ball on.
23'Yellow card - Jackson Wray , Saracens
22'Conway kicks away and Romain Poite calls over Jackson Wray and he is in the bin for a high tackle on Williams.
22'Bleyendaal kicks midway into the Saracens half. Munster's lineout is gathered and they get a bit of a push on. Jackson Wray with a high tackle on Duncan Wililams. Penalty advantage.
21'George throws and Wigglesworth puts a kick up and Sean Maitland takes out Andrew Conway in the air. Penalty Munster.
20'Munster win the lineout and Williams kicks long and Wigglesworth puts it down the throat of Bleyendaal who drills a kick back inside the Saracens half.
19'Munster win the lineout and the maul is inching towards the line. CJ Stander double tackled. Taute loses possession but Farrell is tackled by Taute but Rhodes puts in a huge tackle on Earls and they clear to touch.
17'Simon Zebo shows he's good under the high ball and Duncan Williams kicks and Billy Vunipola can't gather and Saracens concede the lineout on their own 22.
17'3-3 Penalty goal - Owen Farrell , Saracens
15'Saracens win the penalty, somehow Romain Poite missing a high tackle at the breakdown. Conway not rolling away and Farrell will line up a kick at goal.
13'Saracens win the penalty at the scrum and Farrell can launch them down 10 metres outside the Munster 22.
12'A box kick sees Simon Zebo knock on and Saracens have the scrum on their own 10 metre line.
11'Zebo gathers a Farrell kick and spreads it wide to Earls. He is taken down by Ashton and Munster inch past the Munster 10 metre line. Williams puts in a silly box kick and the mark is called and Sarries clear.
10'Saracens burst down the left touchline, Maitland shows incredible pace, he puts the ball back inside for Wigglesworth and with the try line in front of him, he can't control.
9'Niall Scannall's lineout dosen't go to anyone but Munster gather. Williams' box kick, Farrell returns and Simon Zebo clears to touch. Lineout Sarries on the Munster 10 metre ilne.
8'Bleyendaal takes the ball from a Wigglesworth box kick and Ashton takes him out. Munster with the penalty. Bleyendaal kicks to halfway. Lineout Munster.
7'From the restart Donnacha Ryan picks the ball up and Williams puts boot to ball with a box kick. Saracens have it on halfway.
7'3-0 Penalty goal - Tyler Bleyendaal , Munster
5'CJ Stander goes for the line. Stopped. Tommy O'Donnell can't keep the ball but we come back for the penalty. Tyler Bleyendaal will line this one up in front of the posts.
4'Third time is the charm and the Munster scrum gets the push on. Scannell goes for the line. Stopped, Peter O'Mahoney takes it to within a few metres and they have a penalty advantage.
3'Already the Field of Athenry rings around the Aviva Stadium and another scrum goes down.
2'Duncan Williams about to feed. Scrum collapses. We'll go again.
1'First scrum and Saracens scrum under a lot of pressure, its driven back and Tommy O'Donnell pressure on Owen Farrell gives Munster a scrum 10 metres from the Saracens line, in the right corner.
1'We're off in Dublin and Billy Vunipola barges his way towards his own 22. A box kick back and forth and the first scrum goes to Saracens.
1'Welcome to the Champions Cup semifinal as Munster and Saracens look to book a place in the final in Edinburgh next month.
1'0-0 Start of first half

European Rugby Champions Cup 2017 News