15Jayden Hayward, -
14Angelo Esposito, -
13Juan Ignacio Brex, -
12Alberto Sgarbi, -
11Monty Ioane, -
10Marty Banks, -
9Tito Tebaldi, -
1Nicola Quaglio, -
2Tomas Baravalle, -
3Tiziano Pasquali, -
4Alessandro Zanni, -
5Dean Budd, -
6Whetukamokamo Douglas, -
7Braam Steyn, -
8Robert Barbieri, -
16Hame Faiva, -
17Federico Zani, -
18Cherif Traore, -
19Federico Ruzza, -
20Marco Barbini, -
21Edoardo Gori, -
22Ian McKinley, -
23Tommaso Benvenuti, -

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Stadio Comunale di Monigo
2:00 PM, December 23, 2017

Match Commentary

81'+127-14 End of second half
79'Yellow card - Hame Faiva , Benetton Treviso
72'Substitute on - Marco Barbini , Benetton Treviso
72'Player substituted - Robert Barbieri , Benetton Treviso
72'27-14 Conversion - Ian McKinley , Benetton Treviso
70'25-14 Try - Edoardo Gori , Benetton Treviso
69'Substitute on - Tommaso d'Apice , Zebre
69'Player substituted - Oliviero Fabiani , Zebre
68'Substitute on - Ciaran Gaffney , Zebre
68'Player substituted - Giulio Bisegni , Zebre
68'Substitute on - Guglielmo Palazzani , Zebre
68'Player substituted - Marcello Violi , Zebre
68'Substitute on - Derick Minnie , Zebre
68'Player substituted - Maxime Mbanda , Zebre
68'Substitute on - Cruze Ah-Nau , Zebre
68'Player substituted - Andrea Lovotti , Zebre
68'Substitute on - Tommaso Benvenuti , Benetton Treviso
68'Player substituted - Angelo Esposito , Benetton Treviso
66'Substitute on - Jacopo Sarto , Zebre
66'Player substituted - David Sisi , Zebre
66'Player substituted - Marty Banks , Benetton Treviso
66'Substitute on - Ian McKinley , Benetton Treviso
64'20-14 Try - Angelo Esposito , Benetton Treviso
61'15-14 Penalty goal - Carlo Canna , Zebre
59'Player substituted - Tiziano Pasquali , Benetton Treviso
59'Substitute on - Cherif Traore , Benetton Treviso
57'Player substituted - Dario Chistolini , Zebre
57'Substitute on - Roberto Tenga , Zebre
52'Substitute on - Edoardo Gori , Benetton Treviso
52'Player substituted - Tito Tebaldi , Benetton Treviso
52'Substitute on - Federico Ruzza , Benetton Treviso
52'Player substituted - Alessandro Zanni , Benetton Treviso
50'15-11 Try - Giulio Bisegni , Zebre
48'Substitute on - Federico Zani , Benetton Treviso
48'Player substituted - Nicola Quaglio , Benetton Treviso
48'15-6 Penalty goal - Marty Banks , Benetton Treviso
47'Red card - Johan Meyer , Zebre
47'Yellow card - Dean Budd , Benetton Treviso
45'12-6 Penalty goal - Carlo Canna , Zebre
42'12-3 Conversion - Marty Banks , Benetton Treviso
41'10-3 Try - Hame Faiva , Benetton Treviso
41'Substitute on - Hame Faiva , Benetton Treviso
41'Player substituted - Tomas Baravalle , Benetton Treviso
40'5-3 Start of second half
41'5-3 End of first half
33'5-3 Penalty goal - Marcello Violi , Zebre
18'5-0 Try - Angelo Esposito , Benetton Treviso
1'0-0 Start of first half