15Michelangelo Biondelli, -
14Giovanni D'Onofrio, -
13Federico Mori, -
12Tommaso Boni, -
11Mattia Bellini, -
10Carlo Canna, -
9Nicolo Casilio, -
1Danilo Fischetti, -
2Luca Bigi, -
3Giosue Zilocchi, -
4David Sisi, -
5Mick Kearney, -
6Jimmy Tuivaiti, -
7Johan Meyer, -
8Renato Giammarioli, -
16Massimo Ceciliani, -
17Andrea Lovotti, -
18Eduardo Bello, -
19Samuele Ortis, -
20Maxime Mbanda, -
21Guglielmo Palazzani, -
22Antonio Rizzi, -
23Jamie Elliott, -

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Stadio Sergio Lanfranchi
1:00 PM, January 9, 2021

Match Commentary

81'+522-18 End of second half
78'22-18 Penalty goal - Antonio Rizzi , Zebre
73'Substitute on - Tomas Baravalle , Benetton Treviso
73'Player substituted - Gianmarco Lucchesi , Benetton Treviso
73'19-18 Penalty goal - Antonio Rizzi , Zebre
70'Substitute on - Jamie Elliott , Zebre
70'Player substituted - Mick Kearney , Zebre
66'16-18 Conversion - Paolo Garbisi , Benetton Treviso
65'16-16 Try - Michele Lamaro , Benetton Treviso
65'Player substituted - Sebastian Negri , Benetton Treviso
65'Substitute on - Giovanni Pettinelli , Benetton Treviso
63'Substitute on - Massimo Ceciliani , Zebre
63'Player substituted - Luca Bigi , Zebre
63'Player substituted - Carlo Canna , Zebre
63'Substitute on - Samuele Ortis , Zebre
62'16-11 Try - Gianmarco Lucchesi , Benetton Treviso
60'Yellow card - Johan Meyer , Zebre
59'Player substituted - Cherif Traore , Benetton Treviso
59'Substitute on - Luca Sperandio , Benetton Treviso
59'Player substituted - Michelangelo Biondelli , Zebre
59'Substitute on - Antonio Rizzi , Zebre
59'Substitute on - Eduardo Bello , Zebre
59'Player substituted - Giosue Zilocchi , Zebre
59'Substitute on - Andrea Lovotti , Zebre
59'Player substituted - Danilo Fischetti , Zebre
55'Player substituted - Juan Ignacio Brex , Benetton Treviso
55'Substitute on - Tommaso Allan , Benetton Treviso
55'Player substituted - Niccolo Cannone , Benetton Treviso
55'Substitute on - Marco Lazzaroni , Benetton Treviso
53'16-6 Try - Maxime Mbanda , Zebre
52'Substitute on - Thomas Gallo , Benetton Treviso
52'Player substituted - Luca Sperandio , Benetton Treviso
49'11-6 Penalty goal - Carlo Canna , Zebre
49'Yellow card - Filippo Alongi , Benetton Treviso
47'Substitute on - Luca Bigi , Zebre
47'Player substituted - Massimo Ceciliani , Zebre
46'Substitute on - Toa Halafihi , Benetton Treviso
46'Player substituted - Manuel Zuliani , Benetton Treviso
45'Substitute on - Maxime Mbanda , Zebre
45'Player substituted - Jimmy Tuivaiti , Zebre
45'Player substituted - Luca Bigi , Zebre
45'Substitute on - Massimo Ceciliani , Zebre
40'Substitute on - Luca Petrozzi , Benetton Treviso
40'8-6 Start of second half
40'Player substituted - Callum Braley , Benetton Treviso
41'+28-6 Try - Michelangelo Biondelli , Zebre
41'+48-6 End of first half
39'3-6 Penalty goal - Paolo Garbisi , Benetton Treviso
26'Player substituted - Nicolo Casilio , Zebre
26'Substitute on - Guglielmo Palazzani , Zebre
26'3-3 Penalty goal - Carlo Canna , Zebre
16'Player substituted - Simone Ferrari , Benetton Treviso
16'Substitute on - Filippo Alongi , Benetton Treviso
16'Player substituted - Massimo Ceciliani , Zebre
16'Substitute on - Luca Bigi , Zebre
14'Player substituted - Luca Bigi , Zebre
14'Substitute on - Massimo Ceciliani , Zebre
14'0-3 Penalty goal - Paolo Garbisi , Benetton Treviso
1'0-0 Start of first half