
Swanny, Jimmy and Tuffers galore

Graeme Swann celebrates the dismissal of Jahurul Islam PA Photos

The game
After the Bangladesh batsmen gave the England side so much trouble in the first Test at Lord's, I thought it would be interesting to see how they would perform on this very different pitch. I was also looking forward to taking my seven-year-old son to his first Test match.

Team supported
Like the majority of the crowd, we were supporting England. There were a handful of very vocal Bangladeshis in the crowd, but the sheer number of England fans easily drowned them out.

Key performers
I came to the match expecting to see a top-drawer performance from Jonathon Trott but he had fallen cheaply for three the previous day. So it was the guile of Graeme Swann's bowling against the forceful batting of Tamim Iqbal. Neither let his supporters down. Swann was as wily as a coyote, casually picking the batsmen apart. He got a well deserved five-for as a reward. However, this was only after the departure of the majestic Tamim, who even had the English fans applauding his audacity.

One thing I'd have changed
The game was perfect; quality batting from England, and a well-pitched battle after lunch. But if I had the power, I would have turned the thermostat down on the day a bit. It was blisteringly hot, and by the end of the day we all felt thoroughly baked.

Filling the gaps
At lunch yesterday, I saw the Under-11s play, but today there was nothing. However, that gave my son and I the chance to wander around the ground and soak up the atmosphere.

Shot of the day
Tamim and Ian Bell hit several aggressive drives that made the crowd stand up and applaud.

Crowd meter
It was a lively crowd, with costumes ranging from Michael Jackson to the Thunderbirds, and my son seemed to spend as much time gawking at the crowd as he did watching the game. Old Trafford is the home ground of Jimmy Anderson and the crowd was really behind him during his brief batting spell. And it roared every run-up when he bowled.

At lunch, the ECB gave the crowd the chance to do a question-and-answer session with the former England player Phil "Tuffers" Tuffnell. A great crowd pleaser, Tuffers, gave us all a good laugh, especially when he forgot who England were playing today!

All in all it was a great day that neither my son nor I will forget. The crowd was electric at times, really bringing the match to life. The players were nothing less than first-class. We saw great batsmen, great bowlers, and a wonderful competition, all in a single game. You can't beat that.