
Stop saying there are no great teams, and other hot takes I can prove

The SEC/Big 12 Challenge is in the books, and it was the Big 12 that took the prize in 2019. Still, if there's any consolation for the SEC, it's that the league may turn out to have the two best teams in the entire Challenge field in the form of Tennessee and Kentucky.

Both the Volunteers and the Wildcats emerged victorious (both at home, against West Virginia and Kansas, respectively), and Rick Barnes' and John Calipari's teams have now won a combined 20 games in a row. The Challenge loss notwithstanding, these are in fact the best of statistical-strength times for the SEC.

Speaking of elite teams, here's the first hot take I think I can prove ...

Anyone who says 'there are no great teams this season' is greatly mistaken

College basketball features one of the most pronounced home-venue advantages seen in major team sports, which is probably why people who talk about college hoops love saying there are no great teams "this season" every season without fail.