
Most likely upsets in the West Region

One's a 4-seed, the other a 3-seed, but on the Giant Killers index, the difference is major. US Presswire

It's time for a detailed look at how our Giant Killers statistical model sees the NCAA tournament brackets. We'll go region by region, and, as we did last year, we will sort potential upsets into four categories: Best Bets, Worth a Long Look, Not Completely Crazy and Stay Away. Hopefully, those names are self-explanatory; Best Bets have a good chance to win outright and Stay Aways are likely to lose no matter what. But we can't tell you exactly how to fill out your brackets in between, because that depends on how heavily your particular pool rewards upsets. (The more points you score when underdogs win, the more you should be willing to pick high-risk teams.)

We began with the East Region, and now we're headed West. In terms of upset potential, a trip West has been good for the Giant Killers model.