
Simona's ex reveals self harm thoughts

The ex-girlfriend of disgraced star Tim Simona has revealed how she considered self harm after she aborted her pregnancy following her relationship with the disgraced Wests Tigers player.

In an interview on the Nine Network, Jaya Taki, who provided information to the NRL about Simona's gambling which led to his de-registration, said she remained traumatised by the relationship.

She called on the NRL to do more in the fight against domestic violence.

"If you so much as threaten a woman, you put your hands on her, you sexually assault her, you force her into an abortion, you emotionally blackmail her, you're gone, indefinite ban," she said.

"We take domestic violence seriously - that's something I want discussed. That's my message."

Taki expressed regret at her decision to have an abortion, and alleged that Simona had guilted her into doing so - only for him to go out partying the day after surgery.

She said she contemplated taking her own life.

"I kept thinking, 'What have I done?' I still feel that way, to say, 'Oh my gosh, I have made this sacrifice so that he can continue partying.'

"It's traumatised me severely. I remember thinking, you're so weak, you didn't even stand up to him. I'm angry at myself. People think what an awful human being I am.

"I can recall a few times when I told my parents to come and pick my daughter up because I had decided to go down to the train station and throw myself in front of a train.

"I kept thinking, 'You're so weak. You chose Tim over your child'."

Taki also distanced herself from revelations Simona had stolen money from auctioned off jerseys meant for charities, including one allegedly set up in the memory of her dead brother.

"I had no idea he was doing that," she said.

"He pushed to me that I should put a jersey up for auction to raise money for my charity, and that's what we did. I have the bank statements to prove that we received money for my charity."

Readers seeking support and information about suicide prevention can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467.

MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78.

Multicultural Mental Health Australia www.mmha.org.au.

Local Aboriginal Medical Service available from www.vibe.com.au.