
Eels scrap Tuilagi judiciary bid after injury update

Kelma Tuilagi of the Eels is placed on report by referee Chris Butler. Brendon Thorne/Getty Images

Parramatta's Kelma Tuilagi has abandoned his bid to downgrade a NRL dangerous-throw charge after he was ruled out for more than a month with a thumb injury.

Tuilagi was due to front the judiciary on Tuesday night to fight a grade-three dangerous throw charge over his tackle on Sydney Roosters forward Lindsay Collins, seeking to reduce his ban to two matches.

But after initially being cleared of significant damage to his thumb after Saturday's loss to the Sydney Roosters, Tuilagi received worse news on Tuesday.

He is now expected to miss up to six matches with the injury, ruling him out until the latter stages of Parramatta's season.

That prompted the Eels to change their plea from not guilty to no-contest, meaning Tuilagi will now be banned for five matches.