
Caleb Bluiett Q&A

Depth on the defensive line could and his athleticism could see Caleb Bluiett moving to a new position with Texas. Max Olson/ESPN.com

Editor's note: Before Texas' 2012 recruiting class arrives on campus, HornsNation will talk with each of the incoming freshman one more time before their college careers begin.

In addition to his personal belongings, Caleb Bluiett (Beaumont, Texas/West Brook) will be bringing a rather large chip on his shoulder with him to Austin in the next few weeks as he begins his Longhorns career.

For various reasons, none of which are really in his control, popular opinion has the four-star recruit switching to tight end rather than staying at defensive end.

But Bluiett (6-foot-5 and 230 pounds) wants the opportunity to prove he can be successful as an edge rusher, and is determined to make that happen.

HornsNation: You were recruited as a defensive end but have been told you could play some tight end. With the number of defensive ends that will be on the roster next season and the lack of depth at tight end/H-back due to Miles Onyegbule's injury and Darius Terrell's decision to transfer, do you see yourself starting out as a tight end?

Bluiett: I can see myself wherever the coaches put me. Wherever they play me really doesn't matter. I do enjoy defensive end a lot. But wherever they can use me as a weapon I don't mind playing. If I can play both I'd love it. Whatever the coaches need me is where I want to play. I want to please them. I could be a tight end as well. I can catch, run and block.

HN: How much tight end did you play in high school and how comfortable do you feel like you'd be at that position in college?

CB: I played in practice a lot. But in an actual game I only played once because one of our guys was injured. Most of the time I was in there for blocking purposes to push people back for some extra yards. I can catch the ball. They didn't use me that way as much because the other guy came back. I was on kickoff return and when I got the ball in my hands I was able to make some plays.

HN: What traits about your game make you believe you can succeed as a tight end?

CB: My speed and my versatility. I'm pretty good on my feet. I can get around guys and block guys. I will find some ways to get the job done.

HN: Would you rather be a defensive end? And does it bother you that you could be moved without being given the opportunity to prove yourself as a college-ready defensive end?

CB: Sometimes it does but sometimes it doesn't. You have to look at the big picture and from a team's perspective. You have to view it to where are you able to do the job and make a big impact. If defensive end doesn't come my way, which I hope it does, then I will face the fact that it didn't come and do my job as the team.

HN: Let's say you start out as a defensive end. Texas has its two starters coming back, some experienced backups already in place and three other freshmen coming in, not including yourself. How would you approach that situation in the fall?

CB: I just have to go in there and show myself off basically. I have to show myself off like I'm a new car and do everything that I can to interest the coaches and show them that I can play the position better than the other guys. I have to prove it to them and do what I am supposed to do at practice, and to the best of my ability.

HN: Are you bringing a chip on your shoulder to Austin with all of these people saying that you will be a tight end? I know you want to be a defensive end.

CB: You have to have a certain swag to go out there and prove people wrong. That's what I want to do. I want to prove to people that I'm not some guy that messed up. I want to prove to them that I am not a guy. I want to be the guy. I really do have a chip on my shoulder. I do have a chip on my shoulder and I do read the message boards. You have to either overlook those comments or let them fuel you. Read it and put it in your mind that you will shove it in their face basically.

HN: When you took your official visit last season and sat in the stands you were by far the most spirited of the recruits. How excited are you about finally enrolling at Texas and becoming a Longhorn?

CB: It makes me very excited. I am very excited for the next season and the next few years. I am looking forward to being on the field and getting my chance. Just to be able to work out and play for the Longhorns.

HN: How many times have you heard your last name mispronounced?

CB: I hear it pronounced the wrong way a good three times a day at least. It's pronounced 'blew it' like you 'blew it up.' I often hear 'blue-e-ett' or something silly like that. It doesn't get on my nerves because I've heard it so much in my life. I've just grown accustomed to it.