
Brazil's INTZ smashes top Chinese seed Edward Gaming

The crowd watches a League of Legends 2016 NA LCS summer playoffs match with rapt attention. Provided by Riot Games

What Russian wild-card Albus Nox Luna could not do, Brazil's INTZ would. Coming out swinging and rarely stopping, INTZ executed a deft strategy, focusing on Chinese Edward Gaming's weak link: top laner Chen "Mouse" Yu-Hao.

Despite an aggressive start in the bottom lane from legendary AD Carry Kim "Deft" Hyuk-kyu and support Tian "Meiko" Ye, INTZ went toe-to-toe with the No. 1 seed. By 13 minutes, INTZ had inched ahead with a 1.6k gold lead and tied in kills at 6-6.

However, things exploded when Mouse continually got trapped, picked on and picked off. By 18 minutes, INTZ was up 9-6 in kills, 5-1 in towers, and 6k gold. The Brazilian top laner Felipe "Yang" Zhao looked like he was playing with his food, and finished the game at 6/2/7 in kills/deaths/assists.

At 33:30, a team fight erupted that led to a clean Baron for INTZ, putting EDG even more on the back foot. Yang took a solo kill on Ming "Clearlove" Kai before joining his team for the winning push just past 42 minutes in one of the most shocking upsets in League of Legends World Championship history.