
Your turn: Make a top-25 and defend it

And the Pac-12 Bloggers saw the top-25 list that they had made, and, behold, it was very good.

Or so they think.

Since the beginning of times, people have been creating things. Beautiful things. And then there have been critics.

Adam: Yeah, it's cool, this Paradise and everything -- Eve is a righteous babe! -- but it's pretty lame I can't eat an apple from this tree!

Renaissance critic: While Mr. da Vinci has had a fine career, I simply can't get over that smug smile from the Mona Lisa. Oh, so you think you know me, do you Ms. Mona Lisa, you uppity thing? Oh, so you think you can follow me with your eyes, do you? What if I run over here... Hmm. Well, I don't think you're pretty. At all.

Elizabethian critic: Oh, Mr. Shakespeare can turn a phrase or two in his plays, but, really, where are the car chases and explosions? No great art exists without those.

Joan Rivers (1864): Mr. Lincoln was a fine president and leader, he freed the slaves and saved the country and all that, but who walks the red carpet in a long top hat and black vested suit? He looks like a funeral director! And don't get me started on that beard. Does he think he plays for the San Francisco Giants? Or that he's in a grunge band? Hey, Mr. Lincoln, Seattle isn't even part of the Union yet!

Pac-12 blog critic: Reggie Dunn! Matt Scott! Matt Barkley! Where's the Black Mamba? Where's Desmond Trufant? Where's Austin Seferian-Jenkins? This list has no credibility! Blaaaaaaaaaeeeeechhhhhh! Fursbitarduty!

Sigh. Oh, the burdens We Great Creators must bear.

Well, Kevin and I think it's your turn. We want you to submit your top-25 list and write 50 to 100 words defending it.

Send your entries here.

We will publish (and perhaps comment on ourselves!) the most notable ones.

You, of course, have the advantage of seeing our list, and knowing its most controversial picks and omissions. But don't let that distract you. It will be more fun if you go by your own feelings.

There are no wrong answers.

Other than the fact that all will be wrong that don't look exactly like this.