
SonicFox's out-of-this-world play wins him second Evo Mortal Kombat title

Dominique "SonicFox" McLean defeats Sayed "Tekken Master" hashim Ahmed in Mortal Kombat XL to take the trophy at the 2016 Evolution Championship Series In Las Vegas. Gail Fisher for ESPN

What a start to the final day of the Evolution Championship Series.

Mortal Kombat XL started with a dominating performance by Critical Reaction's Dominique "SonicFox" McLean. His quick work on opponents fueled the idea that everyone else was just fighting for second place. But the audience and SonicFox learned quickly that he was not infallible.

SonicFox began his title defense in typical commanding fashion with a 3-0 series win over Orbit's Alexandre "MTL Hayatei" Dubé-Bilodeau. After his first victim, he cakewalked into the grand finals with yet another 3-0 series victory against PLG's Sayed "Tekken Master" hashim Ahmed. Unfazed by the pressure of the situation, he delivered some of the most lopsided moments of this Evo tournament.

It wasn't until the second game of the grand finals that SonicFox suffered his first game loss. But, from then on, the audience was exposed to just how human this overshadowing force was. He removed his blue ears and showed unfiltered emotion as he took on the greatest challenge of his career. It wasn't until he finished off the final game in his signature overwhelming SonicFox style that he returned to his cocky, permanently smiling self.

The contenders: Scar and Tekken Master

If SonicFox was the easy favorite for the tournament, Panda Global's Brad "Scar" Vaughn was considered the second-best to play in the top eight bracket. His understanding of Sonya Blade in his signature demolition variation could only be described as expert. From offensive and defensive traps to near full screen conversions, he provided the audience with the comeback moments that make Mortal Kombat so exciting to watch at high level. Unfortunately for him, Tekken Master was the roadblock. In fact, he was the star of the show.

Tekken Master needed all the composure in the world to enter the grand finals of Mortal Kombat. He had been sent to the loser's bracket by SonicFox in demoralizing fashion and then nearly choked on a 2-0 lead over Scar in the loser's finals. His confidence never wavered, even when he switched to D'Vorah from his comfort pick of Kotal Kahn. The perennial underdog proved his bite was just as dangerous as his bark.

The grand finals: SonicFox's limit

It was all Tekken Master and Kotal Kahn. His decision to ignore the projectiles and traps that SonicFox threw at him with Cassie Cage and Erron Black was absolutely key to the entire first set of the grand finals. Showing no concern for his opponent's offensive game plan, Tekken Master dominated the offensive momentum and neutral game. He absolutely drowned SonicFox for the bracket reset.

The second set started exactly the way Tekken Master began the first final set: armor through faulty block strings, conversions off trades, ignorance of traps, and unrelenting pressure. But, finally, SonicFox showed up. He returned to his fearless and stubborn ways by fighting at his own pace. With the set tied at 2-2, SonicFox brought out his secret weapon and the last piece to his tournament puzzle, Alien. Two rounds, constant pressure, and complete corner control and SonicFox became two-time Evo champion.