
Bang: 'I'm confident we're not going to lose'

SK Telecom T1 AD carry Bae "Bang" Jun-sik. Provided by Riot Games

Bae "Bang" Jun-sik, SK Telecom T1's sharpshooter in the bottom lane, is one victory away from his second consecutive Summoner's Cup. After playing a more subdued role last year, Bang has come to the forefront in 2016, putting his name up there alongside Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok for the MVP award. That is, if SKT can prevail over Samsung Galaxy on Saturday night inside Los Angeles' Staples Center.

ESPN spoke to Bang following his team's monumental comeback victory over rival ROX Tigers in the New York City semifinals.

"I might have less [interest] practicing and playing solo queue, but when playing the actual match with the audience, it's an awesome experience. Today I had lots of fun," he said.

Over the course of the past month, no player in the world has produced stats like Bang. At the 2016 World Championships, he not only leads all players with over three games played in KDA, but he's third overall in kills (with one game less played than the two Tigers ahead of him), and second in overall DPM behind Flash Wolves' ace mid laner Huang "Maple" Yi-Tang.

So what separates him from the rest of the AD carries in the world?

"I've actually never thought about this before. I have to think about it right now," said Bang. "I think there is maybe two aspects. First is understanding of the game. [Secondly], I just have this know-how to play [the game] better. It's hard to describe."

Faker has a laundry list of nicknames from "the Unkillable Demon King" in his homeland of South Korea to simply "God." Veteran jungler and two-time world champion Bae "Bengi" Seong-woong is called "The Jungle" back at home for his complete understanding of the position he plays; in the west, he's called the "Right Hand of God" for his close ties with Faker throughout their careers.

Bang told ESPN what he'd like to have as a nickname. "I've actually been thinking about this for a long time, and I always wanted to become more of a friendlier figure to the fans," he said. "I don't want to be one of those players that distances themselves as a pro. I want to be really friendly, so I want to be called, 'The Friend.'"

After giving it more thought, he said, "I'd also like to be called 'the Bang God.'"

What does the newly christened "Bang God" think of SK Telecom T1's chances on Saturday night for a record third Summoner's Cup?

"I'm confident we're not going to lose."