
INnoVation lights up the Dark in IEM Gyeonggi StarCraft II semifinals

Lee "INnoVation" Shin Hyung is the favorite to win 2016 IEM Gyeonggi's StarCraft II tournament. ESL

The StarCraft II tournament at IEM Season XI Gyeonggi has progressed through group stages and quarterfinals, and now we have come to the final four. In the first semifinal, Lee "INnoVation" Shin Hyung took down Park "Dark" Ryung Woo, 3-2, in the quest for the $15,000 first prize.

Dark has proven himself the best Zerg in the world and a macro master while his former teammate INnoVation was on the verge of claiming the title of best Terran; the winner of the set was considered the favorite to take down the entire event. Although Dark had just defeated 2016 World Championship Series champion Byun "ByuN" Hyun Woo of Team Expert in the quarterfinals, his ZvT ended up falling short against ByuN's longtime idol. INnoVation's signature strategies of mass mech play and bio rally pushes were perfect for the new Legacy of the Void multiplayer patch, which addressed issues with many Terran mech units. The matchup was predicted to go the entire distance, and it lived up to that expectation.

INnoVation took down Dark with mostly one strategy and build. Although a consistent strategy can be a weakness because of its predictability, INnoVation's ultra-efficient style carried him to the finish line. He entered as the tournament favorite and has borne out that prediction so far.

Game 1: Overgrowth

It was a clash of macro and micro on the first map between Dark and INnoVation. Dark's macro play allowed him to create multipronged attacks for both economic harassment and pincher movements against his opponent's army. INnoVation countered with mass mech play and early aggression; however, Dark's superior economy allowed him to upgrade his units quickly and his ability to surround INnoVation's armies proved to be the difference for the win.

INnoVation 0-1 Dark

Game 2: Vaani Research Station

INnoVation started the aggression with a hellion and cyclone push. Although Dark defended the attacks, he lost timings for his macro play and economy and lost map control as a result. INnoVation's supply and worker count were ahead for the majority of the game and he used the advantage to create a massive mech army for the game-winning push.

INnoVation 1:1 Dark

Game 3: Daybreak

Dark took the initiative on game three with a fast roach and ravager attack, but INnoVation's quick control dispelled the push and delayed the Zerg's macro game. INnoVation counter-attacked and took down Dark's third expansion to assume complete map and economy control. Dark sealed his own fate with a failed counter-attack as an answer, leaving his defenses with plenty of holes. INnoVation's superior economy and his larger mech army allowed him to force through the defenses for the third map.

INnoVation 2:1 Dark

Game 4: Habitation Station

Dark put on a macro clinic in map four and returned to the multi-pronged attacks that led to earlier success. INnoVation continued to push out mech armies for the fourth straight game, but it bit him in the end. Dark took advantage of multiple concaves and attacks to confuse and surround INnoVation's main mech army with ravagers and roaches. INnoVation's mech army could not take the necessary casualties to justify his expensive army and Dark marched on to the final map with the victory.

INnoVation 2:2 Dark

Game 5: Whirlwind

INnoVation went all-in with an early aggressive push to end Dark's hopes for the grand finals. Dark countered with baneling drops and queens for defense, but INnoVation's all-in proved deadly. After only six minutes, INnoVation crushed through the last of Dark's defenses for the finish.

On Saturday, Kim "Stats" Dae Yeob will play Han "ByuL" Ji Won to determine who will face INnoVation in the IEM Gyeonggi StarCraft II grand finals on Sunday.