
Team Dignitas wins again under new coach

New Team Dignitas coach David "Cop" Roberson, center, helped lead his team to a 2-1 victory over Team Liquid. Provided by Riot Games

With both teams desperate to climb into potential playoff contention, Team Dignitas edged out Team Liquid 2-1 on Saturday during Week 5, Day 2 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series in Los Angeles.

Game 1 was a highlight reel for Liquid AD carry Chae "Piglet" Gwang-jin. He and support Matthew "Matt" Elento made up arguably the most punishing early-game bottom lane in Caitlyn/Zyra, and they made it count, grabbing first blood in the 2-vs-2 just five minutes in and securing the first tower shortly after. Liquid couldn't grow its lead much in the mid game, but when late game hit, Piglet's Caitlyn was untouchable with two life-steal items. Piglet grabbed a quadra kill in the final teamfight to end Game 1 with a 7/1/10 KDA (kills, deaths, assists).

Dignitas' start in Game 2 was night and day from Game 1, with Jang "Keane" Lae-young's Jayce turning around a Team Liquid gank to grab a clean double kill before the five-minute mark. Meanwhile, it was now Dignitas' bottom lane that was grabbing kills in the 2-vs-2, thanks to the roots from Alex "Xpecial" Chu's Zyra. With a poke composition aided by triple Ocean Drake buffs, Dignitas had no trouble pushing its lead through relentless sieging. After opening up the base, Dignitas took a final teamfight at 35 minutes to claim the Nexus.

The blood started flowing even earlier in Game 3, when Dignitas' attempt to donate red buff to AD carry Benjamin "LOD" deMunck on Jhin was interrupted by Team Liquid's bottom lane. The end result was first blood for Piglet's Caitlyn, but a double kill on Keane's Cassiopeia, who also ended up with the red buff. After several minutes of minor skirmishes, Dignitas finally took a fight 4-for-1 in the mid game, granting them the Baron buff. With this lead, they were able to win the remainder of the game's teamfights, and take the Nexus in 32 minutes after taking a second Baron.