
NV and LW Blue clean sweep the competition at APEX

It's always high noon for McCree in Overwatch. Provided by Blizzard.

LW Blue and Team EnVyus return to their stomping grounds at Overwatch APEX Season 3 in Seoul, South Korea to show viewers across the globe what power really means against the lower echelon of teams. LW Blue swept the floor with Flash Lux with a show of power, while EnVyUs also swept, but with a display of flair and flexibility.

Map 1: Ilios (Control)
Map 2: King's Row (Assault/Escort)
Map 3: Volskaya Industries (Assault)

The set between LW Blue and Flash Lux couldn't have been more one-sided in spirit. While LW Blue has always gotten far in APEX, Flash Lux have consistently gone through repromotions in order to return to APEX, earning themselves the makeshift title of the "Gatekeepers of APEX."

Ilios was a quick 2-0 stomp in favor of LW Blue. The saving grace for the gatekeepers was putting up a close fight on King's Row, where they were able to push the payload almost until the end, before being held in front of point C. As impressive as the push was, however, LW Blue's was better as they busted through Flash Lux' defense to take King's Row and demolished any remaining hopes on Volskaya Industries with a quick victory.

Map 1: Oasis(Control)
Map 2: Hollywood (Assault/Escort)
Map 3: Hanamura (Assault)

EnVyUs for some time had been struggling to rediscover their mojo after an ungraceful exit in APEX S2. Now that they've spent more time with Kim "EFFECT" Hyeon on the roster, they're starting to look polished again, especially after winning their group -stage games thus far. The games today were nothing but smooth sailing with Timo "Taimou" Kettuenen picking up Sombra for the match, making him the next player on the team to display her excellence.

Oasis was a solid win for EnVyUs but the money lies in how well they crushed BK Stars beneath their boot with a full hold from Taimou's Sombra and Pongphop "Mickie" Rattanasangchod's Torbjörn. The rest of the set is, as they say, history, with a strong finish on Hanamura. This 3-0 victory places EnVyUs at the top of Group D with a guaranteed first place finish at 3-0. Only with the continuance of polishing their teamwork will this team to be elevated to a position to reclaim a potential APEX championship.