
FlyQuest crashes against Echo Fox

Echo Fox's jungler Matthew "Akaadian" Higginbotham will be joining OpTic Gaming. Provided by Riot Games

The return of Jason "WildTurtle" Tran to his former teammates on FlyQuest has yet to pay dividends, as they went down 2-0 to Echo Fox on Day 2 of Week 1 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series Summer Split in Los Angeles.

The series started with Fox jungler Matthew "Akaadian" Higginbotham finding a pair of quick kills on his signature Graves. Shortly after, more than a minute of nonstop action on the map resulted in a 4-for-3 overall trade in favor of FlyQuest, who also managed to grab first turret. A Baron rush at 22 minutes put Echo Fox ahead, and mid laner Henrik "Froggen" Hansen's fed LeBlanc found multiple picks to push the lead. Finally, Echo Fox managed to cleanly ace FlyQuest in a 4-vs.-5 teamfight as the latter attempted Baron, allowing Fox to end the game in 32 minutes.

Game 2 was a clash of conflicting team compositions, as FlyQuest drafted a low-waveclear comp with multiple split-pushers against Echo Fox's dual AD carries and plethora of shields. Froggen shined once again, this time on Lucian, finding early kills and growing an initial CS lead into an eventual Flame Horizon over Hai "Hai" Lam's Kassadin. He made it easy for Fox to take the first two real teamfights, which yielded a Baron at 25 minutes. A pair of heroic base defenses and an Elder Drake secure from FlyQuest put it back in the game, but all it took was a positional map error from Fly for Echo Fox to capitalize and take the open Nexus at 43 minutes.

FlyQuest will look for redemption against Team Dignitas on Sunday June 4th at 6p.m. ET. Meanwhile, Echo Fox will look to end the week 2-0 against Team Liquid at the same time.